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Get Movin’: The Undeniable Benefits of Exercise

Got Exercise? How Exercise Keeps You Healthy, Feeling Young, and Disease Free…

Live Longer, Happier, and Healthier with Regular Exercise!

Did you know that exercise is one of the best things we can do to stay healthy, live longer, and manage disease? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that one in two adults are living with one or more chronic diseases and that only 50% of adults get the physical activity they need to reduce and prevent chronic diseases. In total this results in around $117 billion in annual healthcare costs associated with inadequate physical activity. Depending on your access to health insurance you may be footing a hefty portion of that bill.

Whether you love to exercise, hate to exercise, or don’t mind exercising, the truth is humans are physiologically designed for physical activity. Before comfy couches, work from home, and access to modern amenities, our ancestors were hunter gatherers roaming large swaths of land to survive, moving with the seasons, and needing a body that was capable of sustaining them through heavy loads of physical activity. Despite the conveniences of modern life, our DNA still carries the blueprint of that active lifestyle and failing to move our bodies in a way that stresses it appropriately has serious consequences. 


If you aren’t naturally inclined to participate in regular exercise for enjoyment, let’s take a look at some of the health benefits of exercise that might provide a different source of motivation.

Most children are naturally active but certain circumstances such as living in an unsafe neighborhood, too much screen time, lack of access to sports or physical education classes in their homes and communities can encourage too much sedentary time. It is important, however, to find ways to encourage physical activity in children as it has been shown to reduce their risk for depression, improve bone health and favorable body composition, and even improve attention and some measures of academic performance (with school physical activity programs).

As we move through adulthood, the importance of physical activity continues and the benefits expand. Adults who participate in regular physical activity have lowered risk for high blood pressure and stroke, have improved mental health and cognitive function, lower risk for weight gain, and reduced arthritis symptoms. In older adults regular physical activity can even improve their sleep, extend years of quality, active life, improve their balance and joint mobility, and reduce their risk for falling. 

Additionally, research shows that regular exercise could prevent:

  • 1 in 8 cases of breast cancer

  • 1 in 8 cases of colorectal cancer

  • 1 in 12 cases of diabetes

  • 1 in 15 cases of heart disease 


The 2nd Edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans outlines science-based recommendations for physical activity for all ages. Here are some of their findings:

  • Children ages 6-17 should do 1 hour (60 minutes) or more of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily. If they aren’t getting this in school, it is important to find ways to encourage physical activity at home and in the community. The sixty minutes of activity should include aerobic activities like running or bike riding, muscle strengthening activities, and bone strengthening activities.

  • Adults should aim to move more and sit less throughout the day. Substantial health benefits are gleaned from doing at least 150 minutes (2 hrs, 30 min) to 300 minutes (5 hours) a week of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes ( 1 hour, 15 min) to 150 min (2 hrs, 30 min) of vigorous intensity (or a combination) aerobic activity spread out throughout the week. They should also perform muscle-strengthening activities for major muscle groups of moderate or greater intensity on 2 or more days per week. 

  • Older adults also gain substantial benefits from participating in physical activity and should participate in aerobic, muscle strengthening, and balance training weekly. If they have chronic conditions they should understand how their condition affects their ability to do regular physical activity and aim to get as close to the 150 minute recommendation for aerobic activity as they can, safely.

  • For adults, there are some health benefits to doing any amount of moderate to vigorous physical activity even if they aren’t able to consistently meet the recommended amount.

  • For adults with chronic health conditions or disabilities, it is recommended to meet the same physical activity recommendations outlined above for adults. When it is not possible to meet the above guidelines, they should avoid inactivity and engage in as much regular physical activity as possible.

  • Adults with chronic conditions or symptoms should be under the care of a healthcare provider and consult a physical activity specialist or healthcare provider about the types and amounts of physical activity appropriate for their abilities and chronic conditions.


Now that you have learned all the amazing benefits of physical exercise and have an understanding of how much is recommended each week, it's time to make a game plan for your increasing activity throughout the week. Here are some suggestions for ways to meet these activity guidelines:

  • Join a gym or local community center that has fitness classes

  • Use sites like YouTube to find free exercise videos that require little to no equipment

  • Clear out a space in your home to create a home gym 

  • Take your children out on bike rides or walks after school or on weekends

  • Join a community rec league for a sport that interests you

  • Schedule your exercise time into your weekly calendar like you would an appointment

  • Invite friends or family to exercise with you to make it more enjoyable

  • Try different ways of exercising to find ones that are enjoyable for you


Before you begin an exercise program you should consult your doctor to understand how any acute or chronic conditions may affect your ability to exercise. With this understanding, some people may still feel apprehensive about physical exercise if they are experiencing regular pain or living with chronic conditions that affect their movement and mobility. The physical therapists at Evolve are a great resource for addressing pain, movement, and mobility difficulties and helping you establish a safe and individualized exercise program. 

Don’t let these concerns stop you from engaging in physical activity. In most cases, the benefits of exercise far outweigh the risks when guided by knowledgeable exercise professionals. Physical therapy can help you start and progress your exercise journey so you can live longer in better health. No matter your age, physical activity can improve your life in many ways, it’s never too late to start! You may even find you enjoy it!

Click here to find out more information about our specific services for personalized workout routines, running and gait, and sports physical therapy

About EvolveNY-

Brooklyn's Premier Holistic Physical Therapy Clinics- There’s physical therapy, there’s training, and then there’s EVOLVE. We use the science of biomechanics merged with fitness to help our patients get better and stay better!

First we evaluate, then we heal, then we strengthen our clients so they can reach their goals, feel better, and live happier lives. We do so by utilizing a range of core techniques and specialized treatments to reduce pain, improve mobility, enhance physical strength and deal with the underlying issues, not just the pain itself.

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