Physical Therapy for Mid Back Pain

Got Mid Back Pain?

Pain in the thoracic spine, often referred to as “mid back pain,” is an irritating ailment experienced by many. In fact, back pain is one of the most frequent complaints that patients bring to their doctors and is the leading cause of work-loss days. Research also shows that adults experiencing any type of back pain are more likely to report fair to poor health than those without back pain. So, if the discomfort of mid back pain was not enough to encourage you to seek the help of your local physical therapist, these facts may. In this article we will delve into the causes and implications of mid back pain and why it is beneficial to seek the care of a physical therapist for this condition. 


The term “mid back” generally refers to the middle section of the spine called the thoracic spine. The thoracic spine is the largest portion of the spine and is composed of 12 vertebrae stacked atop one another and encapsulating the spinal cord. Small joints called facet joints, created by adjoining vertebrae, allow for the multidirectional movement of the spine. Intervertebral discs sit between each vertebrae providing height, cushioning and shock absorption to the spine.

The mid back is unique in that it is the attachment point for all 24 ribs. One rib attaches laterally to either side of each of the 12 thoracic vertebrae then encircles the thorax to protect the vital organs. The scapulae or shoulder blades are also a part of the mid back. Exiting through small channels or foramina in the vertebral column are spinal nerves that innervate skin, muscles, organs, and other tissues in the trunk. Finally, we cannot forget the muscles and fascia that crisscross the mid back assisting with respiration and movement of the trunk and arms. 


As you may have noticed, there are many potential sources of discomfort or dysfunction in the mid back. A thorough subjective interview and physical exam are important steps in pinpointing the cause of your pain. While we cannot always determine exactly which structures are causing your pain, the quality, location and pattern of pain can provide solid clues. Acute back pain that develops after a trauma is always concerning for a rib, scapula or vertebral fracture. Severe pain over the bony structures, pain with breathing or movement of the spine should always be taken seriously and imaging such as X-rays will likely be recommended. 

Muscle strains and ligament sprains can also present acutely. Sometimes you can recall the exact moment you strained the muscle or sprained the ligament and other times the pain may develop the next day after a period of rest. Because there are so many muscles that lie over the mid back, the location of discomfort with a muscle strain can vary. There is often localized tenderness and sometimes even bruising over the affected muscle. Pain and stiffness with muscle contraction is common with a strain and given the location of these muscles could cause discomfort with breathing, reaching with your arm, bending or twisting the spine. 

Intervertebral disc herniations are much less common causes of back pain in the thoracic spine compared to the cervical (neck) and lumbar (low back) spines but irritation of the spinal nerves can occur in response to a disc herniation, acute sprain, arthritis or stenosis of the spine. Irritation of spinal nerves can cause localized pain and also radiating pain, burning, numbness or tingling along the path of the nerve. 

Finally, discomfort or pain in the mid back can be caused by conditions like scoliosis or by poor posture and impaired mobility in spinal segments. When you work with a physical therapist they will help to identify the factors contributing to your pain in order to create a personalized physical therapy treatment plan for you.


It is common practice to try and ignore pain or discomfort for as long as possible. Oftentimes we do not seek out care until the pain has progressed to a point that it will not be ignored. At that time most of us are looking for immediate relief. Surgeries, medications and injections are treatments for back pain that may be offered by your physician and certainly have a role to play in the treatment of mid back pain, but we like to encourage our patients to try effective, conservative treatment options like physical therapy first. Avoiding the cost, risks and recovery time associated with surgery and the potential side effects of medications is always a goal. 

When you work with a physical therapist to address mid back pain they will employ a three-pronged approach:

  1. Identify the causes and contributing factors of your pain

  2. Develop a treatment plan to address these factors and provide relief of your symptoms

  3. Educate and empower you to continue lifestyle and exercise habits to maintain your improvements and decrease the likelihood your symptoms will recur. 

In the case of acute injuries or new symptoms, the expertise of a physical therapist can be highly beneficial to guide you through recovery but our ultimate goal is to teach you how to care for your own body so that you will not need to rely on healthcare providers to do it for you. In many cases mid back pain responds very well to physical therapy treatment aimed at reducing pain and inflammation, addressing impairments in strength, motor control and endurance, improving mobility and flexibility and optimizing movement patterns. 

So, if you are experiencing mid back pain, whether it be  nagging tightness or  won’t-be-ignored pain, choose physical therapy to get a jump start on feeling better in the short term and perhaps more importantly, in the long run! Call Evolve Physical Therapy to schedule an evaluation with one of our team members today. 

Click here for more information about physical therapy for mid back pain

About EvolveNY-

Brooklyn's Premier Holistic Physical Therapy Clinics- There’s physical therapy, there’s training, and then there’s EVOLVE. We use the science of biomechanics merged with fitness to help our patients get better and stay better!

First we evaluate, then we heal, then we strengthen our clients so they can reach their goals, feel better, and live happier lives. We do so by utilizing a range of core techniques and specialized treatments to reduce pain, improve mobility, enhance physical strength and deal with the underlying issues, not just the pain itself.

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