Prioritizing Fall Prevention

Physical Therapy for Fall Prevention

Fighting Back Against Falls 

When we are children, we fall all the time and don’t think much of it. Whether it is our lower center of gravity or sense of invincibility, falls don’t seem to phase us. As we age though, falls become worrisome and definitely more painful. At a certain time in life they become a downright concern as the rate of injurious falls climbs. The financial burden and physical/emotional cost of falls, especially among older adults, are so concerning that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention began amassing data on falls and developing programs to prevent them. According to the CDC, each year 3 million older adults visit an emergency department because of a fall, and 800,000 of them end up hospitalized, often due to a hip fracture or head injury. Falls are the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries and hip fractures in adults, two injuries that can have serious functional implications for the remainder of life. Worse, as of 2021, data shows us that falls result in death in 78.0 in 100,000 older adults. 

In addition to the physical effects of falls, they also confer large financial, social, and emotional burdens. Each year around $50 billion is spent on older adult falls. While much of that is taken care of by insurance companies, individuals can still feel the squeeze on their pocketbook as they pay copays and deductibles for medical care or therapies, purchase equipment or schedule home modifications to deal with the outcome of their fall. Additionally, fear of falling can lead to social isolation and a reduction in overall physical activity, two things that lead to declining overall health status and an even higher likelihood of falls. 

So what can be done? It turns out, a lot can be done, and health professionals like physical therapists are leading the way in fall prevention programs and education. Want to learn more about fall prevention and how our team of physical therapists fights back against falls? Read on. 


Many circumstances can lead to falls. Some are preventable and others are out of our hands. Let’s look at some examples of common causes of falls:

  • Trips and slips

  • Walking on uneven terrain

  • Navigating dark spaces

  • Losses of balance

  • Being knocked down by someone else

  • Legs giving out

  • Slipping in the shower

  • Falling down stairs

Falls can indeed happen to anyone at any age. The question to ask yourself after a fall though, is, could it have been prevented? This question is the key to preventing future falls and the framework for how physical therapists approach fall prevention. For example, if you experience any of these medical conditions or symptoms, you may be at higher risk for falling:

  • Peripheral neuropathy, numbness or tingling in the feet and legs

  • Muscle weakness in the legs, hips, or trunk

  • Pain with walking

  • Orthostatic hypotension

  • Dizziness or vertigo

  • Bowel or bladder urgency or incontinence

  • Physical deconditioning

  • Parkinson’s Disease

  • Multiple sclerosis

  • Spinal radiculopathy

  • Vision problems

  • Polypharmacy: the use of 5 or more medications simultaneously

  • Decreased cognition from conditions like Alzheimer’s or dementia 

This list is not comprehensive but gives you an idea of how many people may be in a higher fall risk category. If you have experienced any falls, worry about falls or think you might be at risk because of a health condition, it is time to take action. 


Fall prevention is a top priority among physical therapists. It is so important that the American Physical Therapy Association continues to legislate for policies that support adults receiving physical therapy for fall prevention. An independent cost analysis in 2024 found that “choosing physical therapy to prevent falls over no intervention results in an average net benefit [to the patient] of $2,144 including all the hidden costs of a patient’s time, pain and missed life events; and the dollars paid for the services.” 

The best way to lessen the burden of falls is to prevent them in the first place. Whether you have already experienced a fall or not, physical therapy is an excellent option to manage any injuries associated with a fall and prevent future ones. Let’s explore some techniques and treatments physical therapists use to treat injuries and identify and manage fall risk factors. 

Assess for fall risk: Physical therapists use outcome measures like balance confidence assessments, strength measurement tools, walking evaluations, and balance tests to evaluate for fall risk. These outcome measures identify areas that a physical therapist can target with their treatment to reduce your fall risk. 

Treat fall-related injuries: Physical therapists can treat pain, fractures, strains and sprains, contusions, brain injuries, and other injuries or symptoms caused by a fall

Improve balance: There are many elements of balance and identifying which ones need work is part of significantly reducing your fall risk. Physical therapists can prescribe an individualized balance program that addresses the specific balance impairments you are experiencing. 

Strengthen and improve flexibility and endurance: Improving leg and core strength, enhancing overall endurance and addressing areas of muscle tightness are important for reducing falls.

Address dizziness: If you are experiencing any dizziness or vertigo you are at higher risk for a fall but physical therapists trained in vestibular rehabilitation can treat these symptoms.

Prescribing assistive devices: Using an appropriate assistive device like a cane or a walker may be needed to prevent falls. Your physical therapist can help you choose the right one and ensure it fits you well. 

Home modification: Sometimes modifications in the home are the most important step to reducing falls. Modifications can include installing grab bars and night lights and removing tripping hazards like rugs.

This is just a fraction of the ways your physical therapist can prevent falls


As you can see, there is a long list of ways your physical therapist can build your confidence and prevent future falls. If you have been experiencing falls or are worried you might, now is the time to take action. Our team of physical therapists at Evolve are ready and waiting for your call. Call us today to schedule an evaluation. 

Click here to find out more about physical therapy for fall prevention

About EvolveNY-

Brooklyn's Premier Holistic Physical Therapy Clinics- There’s physical therapy, there’s training, and then there’s EVOLVE. We use the science of biomechanics merged with fitness to help our patients get better and stay better!

First we evaluate, then we heal, then we strengthen our clients so they can reach their goals, feel better, and live happier lives. We do so by utilizing a range of core techniques and specialized treatments to reduce pain, improve mobility, enhance physical strength and deal with the underlying issues, not just the pain itself.

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