Physical Therapy for Golfer’s Elbow
Physical Therapy for Golfer’s Elbow
Golfer’s elbow is a tendonitis of the forearm muscles where they attach at the medial elbow. This condition can result in pain, weakness or discomfort in the elbow, wrist and forearm and often interferes with sport and daily activities. Repetitive movements that stress these tendons is usually the cause of golfer’s elbow and a carefully prescribed rehabilitation program is an excellent strategy to reduce pain, improve tendon stiffness and resilience and help you return to the activities you need and love to do.
Physical therapy treatments for golfer’s elbow aim to reduce pain and discomfort in the tendons, improve tendon health and help restore your prior activity level. My team of therapists and I will start by getting to know your concerns and goals and performing a thorough physical exam to determine the extent of your symptoms while identifying other impairments that may have contributed to the development of this condition. Next, we will create a treatment plan that might include manual therapy on the tendons themselves, modalities and exercises performed in the clinic as well as exercises performed by you in your home as part of a home exercise program.
With regular attendance and participation in physical therapy, many of our patients begin to experience a reduction in symptoms like pain and stiffness within a few weeks. Because other impairments like muscle weakness, nonoptimal movement patterns or reduced flexibility may have contributed to the development of golfer’s elbow, it often takes longer to address all of the underlying factors. If you have been taking time off from your favorite activities, your therapist will help you resume them in a graded fashion while you continue to address tendon health and other contributing factors. Achieving long-lasting results may take some time, but dedication to your program will not only help you achieve these results but will help to decrease the likelihood of symptoms recurring in the future.
WHAT IS Golfers Elbow?
Golfer’s elbow, like tennis elbow, affects the forearm muscles near the elbow. If you lay your forearm out on the table in front of you, palm up, the bony area on the inside of the elbow is known as the medial epicondyle. A sheath housing several tendons attaches to the bone here and acts as an anchor point for muscles that flex the elbow, wrist and hand, and rotate the forearm. The formal name for golfer’s elbow is medial epicondylitis or epicondylalgia because of the anatomical location near the medial epicondyle.
While tendons are strong, they can become irritated or inflamed in response to certain activities. Repetitive wrist or elbow flexion or forearm rotation such as when golfing, can stress the tendons at their attachment point leading to the symptoms of golfer’s elbow. Here are some important facts about golfer’s elbow:
Tendons are built to withstand a great deal of force but repetitive stress that exceeds the tolerance of the tendon can lead to injury
Golfer’s elbow can have several causes-
- Ramping up a new activity too quickly
- Muscle length impairments around the wrist and forearm
- Muscle strength impairments around the wrist, forearm and elbow
- Inefficient movement patterns during sport or activity
- Biomechanical errors
Over time, if this condition becomes chronic, pain and related impairments are due more to tendon degeneration than inflammation
The best treatment for golfer’s elbow can depend on how acute or chronic the symptoms are as well as the underlying causes
Golfer’s elbow can often be diagnosed based on symptom presentation. You may have golfer’s elbow if you experience any of the following symptoms:
- Pain, burning or aching on the inner elbow or along the forearm extending toward the wrist
- Pain on the inner elbow or forearm that worsens with flexion of the elbow, wrist or fingers or rotation of the forearm.
- Elbow stiffness
- Grip weakness
- Forearm weakness
End Injury Progression
Physical therapy for golfer’s elbow has proven to prevent injury, slow and even stop pain issues, improve performance, and reverse injury progression in many cases.
Relieve Pain
The movements used in this technique can target your entire body helping you to manage discomfort and pain during the course of your physical therapy treatments.
Improve Range of Motion
Posture awareness is an important area to focus on due to the fact that certain positions may cause you further discomfort and pain.
Restore Mobility
You can regain mobility and flexibility by taking part in the stretches and exercises as prescribed by your physical therapist.
How Long Will Physical Therapy for Golfer’s Elbow Last?
If you decide to work with a physical therapist to help correct your Golfer's elbow issues, your entire treatment plan could consist of around 8-20+ different physical therapy sessions that will each last 60-90 minutes. Once you complete your customized physical therapy treatment plan, you will be able to continue to do the prescribed stretches and exercises utilized during your PT sessions yet in the comfort of your own home.
As noted above, the approach to managing chronic or acute cases of golfer’s elbow often differ. If you have a new or newly-exacerbated case of golfer’s elbow, inflammation around the tendon is likely present. While your physical therapy program will always be individualized, below are physical therapy treatments often prescribed to address acute golfer’s elbow:
- Education on the likely cause as well as the pathophysiology of golfer’s elbow
- Recommendations on activity modification and rest to allow inflammation to subside
- Application of modalities such as ice, ultrasound, electrical stimulation or laser therapy to manage pain and inflammation
- Recommendations on the use of splints, taping or bracing as needed to minimize discomfort and allow for healing in the acute phase
As inflammation subsides, or in the case of a chronic golfer’s elbow where tendon degeneration is the primary issue, addressing contributing factors and improving tendon stiffness are the primary goals of physical therapy. Below are common physical therapy treatments to address this type of golfer’s elbow:
- Soft tissue mobilization using tools like ASTYM or Graston to remodel the injured tendon and encourage collagen production
- Exercises to enhance tendon stiffness and make it more resilient to stress
- These are often eccentric-focused exercises with special parameters around pain and symptom-provocation
- Exercises to address strength, muscle length and neuromuscular control around the elbow, forearm and wrist
- Training in movement technique and biomechanics to reduce repetitive stress on the tendons during sport, work or daily tasks
- Graded return to full activities
Mill Basin (located in Harbor Fitness)
6161 Strickland Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11234
Monday: 7am-8pm
Tuesday: 7am-8pm
Wednesday: 8am-5pm
Thursday: 7am-8pm
Friday: 8am-1pm
Park Slope (located in Harbor Fitness)
550 5th Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Monday: 9am-8pm
Tuesday: 8am-6pm
Wednesday: 9am-8pm
Thursday: 8am-6pm
Friday: 8am-3pm
372 Avenue U
Brooklyn, NY 11223
Monday-Thursday: 8am-8pm
Friday: 8am-3pm
Kings Highway
945 Kings Highway
Brooklyn, NY 11223
Monday-Wed.: 12pm-8pm
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Let our caring and compassionate physical therapists help you with relieving pain while getting you back on your feet comfortably.
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