Physical Therapy for Muscle Tears
Muscle Tear Physical Therapy in Brooklyn
Torn Muscle?
If you have recently suffered a muscle tear that seems like it simply will not heal, then it may be in your best interest to seek out the professional help of a physical therapist.
How does physical therapy for A Muscle Tear work?
This method works by incorporating initially, the RICE method. The RICE method is a series of techniques that can be used immediately after the inital injury; Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. Shortly after the affected area starts to heal, then our PT’s will get started with a personalized muscle tear physical therapy treatment plan. Along with the physical therapy, our PT’s will also teach you specialized stretches, exercises, breathing techniques, and posture awareness that can also provide a sense of relief while working towards both healing the muscle tear and your wellness goals.
How long until I notice any relief from my Torn Muscle Physical Therapy Treatments?
It all depends on the severity of your current muscle tear injury. While physical therapy is a good pain management method and has shown improvement in many patients with torn muscles, others may still need to seek alternative treatment such as surgery in severe cases.
What is Physical Therapy for Muscle Tears?
Are you suffering from a torn muscle or think you may be? If you are experiencing muscle pain with a strong contraction, swelling or stiffness in the muscle, or weakness in that area, you might be right. A torn muscle, also called a “muscle strain”, occurs when muscle fibers are overstretched, overused, or contracted against a sudden load. At the moment of injury the stretch or stress on the muscle fibers is too great for the muscle to handle causing the fibers to tear and be injured.
What Causes a Muscle Tear?
- Sport Related Injury
- Overuse- from work, play, sports...
- Random injury
- Previous Injury
- Muscle strain from painful movements.
- Fatigue
Why Is A Muscle Tear So Painful?
A muscle tear is typically extremely uncomfortable and can be tremendously painful depending on the severity of the injury. As affected muscles and tendons begin to swell up from the injury, the injured area will become tender, swollen, and very painful leading to loss of range of motion and flexibility. If left a severe muscle tear is left untreated, this will eventually lead to further severe damage and potentially surgery.
Common Muscle Tear Hotspots-
- Biceps
- Calfs
- Hamstrings
- Knees
- Ankles
- Hips
- Lower back
- Shoulders
- Elbows
- Neck
- Hands
How Physical Therapy for Muscle Tear Works?
Stretching and Special Exercise: Included with all muscle tear physical therapy treatment plans is specialized stretches and exercises tailored to each individuals unique condition. Incorporating these special stretches and exercises into your daily routine will help to slow the progression of arthritis, related swelling and pain, increase strength in supporting muscles and tendons, and improve range of motion.
Strength Training: Most people who suffer from a muscle tear all tend to have the same issue around the problematic areas- lack of range of motion and poor strength in supporting muscles and tendons. With the poor support and weakness, daily tasks and activities such as walking, jogging, riding a bike, bending over to pick something up, walking up stairs, daily chores, etc. will all start to become a little more difficult and painful to do.
Range of Motion: When someone pulls or tears a muscle, they tend to lose a little bit of flexibility simply due to the fact that the more they use the area with the torn muscle, the more pain is caused. With a muscle tear, muscle fibers and/or tendons "tear" or rip apart at a micro-level, causing extreme discomfort and pain. Our physical therapists can assist by first assessing a patient's ROM and formulating a specialized PT treatment plan with specific stretches and exercises that will help with alleviating pain, joint compression, increase mobility, along with strengthening the area affected by the muscle tear.
Pain Management: When a person tears a muscle, they almost always have to endure related pain everyday wehile the affected area heals. Our physical therapists can help by using different physical therapy techniques and other modalities, along with specialized stretches, massages, and exercises to help reduce pain associated with a muscle tear while it goes through the healing process. Remember, the RICE method once again is almost always the first step after injury
How Can Physical Therapy Help a Muscle Tear?
- Stabilizing and strengthening muscles, tendons, and ligaments.
- Promote better range of motion
- Allows for mobilization of any stiff muscles and tendons
- Improvement of posture
- Enhances neuromuscular control
- Assists in relieving pain
- Greater muscle strength
End Injury Progression
Physical therapy for muscle tears has proven to help with decreasing pain while increasing healing time.
Relieve Pain
The movements used in this technique target the affected area and can help you manage pain during the course of your muscle tear physical therapy treatments.
Improve Range of Motion
Posture awareness is an important area to focus on due to the fact that certain positions may cause you further pain attributed to the area affected muscle tear.
Restore Mobility
You can gain mobility and flexibility back by taking part in the personalized stretches, exercises, and physical therapy modalities prescribed by your PT at home.
How long will physical therapy for torn muscle treatments last?
If you decide to work with a physical therapist to help correct your muscle tear, your entire treatment plan could consist of around 8-20 different PT treatment sessions, each lasting approximately 60-90 minutes. Once you complete your personalized physical therapy treatment plan, you will be able to continue to do the prescribed stretches and exercises utilized during your PT sessions, yet in the comfort of your own home. Physical therapy for a muscle tear can be beneficial for children as well as adults. Anyone who is suffering from the pain and irritation that is often associated with a mild to severe muscle tear may benefit from physical therapy.
Common Muscle Tear Treatments-
- PT
- OT
- Massage
- Hot and Cold packs
- Bracing
- TENS Therapy
- Diathermy
Muscle tear physical therapy is an excellent nonsurgical treatment for pulled and torn muscles and tendons. However, depending on the severity of your case, bracing or surgery may be recommended. With bracing, you will wear a brace to provide problematic areas additional support to prevent any additional injury and in some cases, even some pain relief. If you have a severe case, then your doctor may prescribe medicine, consistent physical therapy treatment sessions, bracing, and/or surgery.
Chronic Pain: If you or your child has chronic pain they may benefit from physical therapy for a muscle tear, related stretches and exercises, and manual therapy.
With physical therapy the main goal is to slow the progression of the injury itself, to strengthen surrounding muscles and tendons, and to prevent future injury. If you or someone you care about is suffering from pain associated with a torn muscle, then physical therapy may be a good recommendation. To learn more about physical therapy for muscle tears, or to schedule a consultation, feel free to reach out to my team and I today.
Call to Schedule a Consultation! 1-718-258-3300Mill Basin (located in Harbor Fitness)
6161 Strickland Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11234
Monday: 7am-8pm
Tuesday: 7am-8pm
Wednesday: 8am-5pm
Thursday: 7am-8pm
Friday: 8am-5pm
Park Slope (located in Harbor Fitness)
550 5th Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Monday: 9am-8pm
Tuesday: 8am-6pm
Wednesday: 9am-8pm
Thursday: 8am-6pm
Friday: 8am-3pm
372 Avenue U.
Brooklyn, NY 11223
Monday-Thursday: 8am-8pm
Friday: 8am-3pm
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Need PT for Muscle Tears?
Let our caring and compassionate physical therapists help you with relieving pain while getting you back on your feet comfortably.
Call now to schedule your first torn muscle PT consultation free of charge.
Call: 1-718-550-0477