Physical Therapy for Headaches
Physical Therapy for a Headaches
While nearly everyone experiences a headache once in a while, when headaches begin to interfere with daily life, it’s time to take action. Headaches can be caused by a number of factors and finding relief often takes a team approach. Physical therapists can help provide education and treatments that can reduce the frequency and intensity of several types of headaches. Through interventions like manual therapy, therapeutic exercises and neuromuscular reeducation, physical therapists target underlying factors that may be causing headaches in order to help provide symptom relief.
Like with any condition, we avoid a one-size-fits-all approach to headaches and instead individualize a plan that is right for you. We will start with an initial evaluation to better understand your medical history and the pattern of symptoms you are experiencing. We will discuss your goals for physical therapy and perform an examination to assess activities or areas of the body that may be contributing to your headaches. With all of this knowledge in hand, we will create a custom program that may consist of hands-on techniques performed by our therapists to your neck, jaw, upper back and nearby areas combined with carefully prescribed movements and exercises performed by you in the clinic and at home.
While physical therapy may not fully eliminate your headaches, we aim for improvements in many symptoms such as pain and neck stiffness within a couple of weeks. Full resolution or longer lasting improvements in headache symptoms will occur over a period of weeks to a few months as you address underlying factors like joint range of motion or posture. Achieving long lasting results may take some time, but dedication to your program will not only help you achieve these results but will help to decrease the likelihood of symptoms recurring in the future.
When exposed to a headache trigger, the trigeminal nerve which supplies sensation to the face, scalp, mouth, neck, ears, eyes, throat and meninges, communicates with an area of the brain called the thalamus that is a relay center for pain sensations all over the body. The term “headache” is an umbrella term referring to several subtypes of headaches which can cause pain and discomfort in the head and neck and can lead to additional symptoms like light and sound sensitivity, fatigue, nausea and vomiting.
Headache subtypes are broken up into primary and secondary headache types:
Primary Headaches
- Migraine headaches (with or without aura)
- Tension-type headache
- Exercise headache
- Trigeminal autonomic cephalgia
- (cluster headache and paroxysmal hemicrania)
Secondary Headaches (can be attributed to another condition, not a comprehensive list)
- Medication overuse headache
- Cervicogenic headache
- Hypertension headache
- Sinus/allergy headache
- Exertional headache
- Hormonal headache
- Stroke and intracranial hemorrhage
- Trigeminal neuralgia
- Dehydration
- The headache is severe, violent, or unbearable, the “worst headache of my life”
- It is accompanied by changes in vision, slurred speech, problems moving your arms or legs, loss of balance, confusion, dizziness, or memory loss
- You are also experiencing a stiff neck and fever, nausea or vomiting
- Your headache occurs after a head injury
- Your headache gets worse over 24 hours
- You suddenly started getting headaches when you never had them before
End Injury Progression
Physical therapy for headaches has proven to prevent injury, slow and even stop pain issues, improve performance, and reverse any related injury progression in many cases.
Relieve Pain
The movements used in this technique can target your entire body helping you to manage discomfort and pain during the course of your physical therapy treatments.
Improve Range of Motion
Posture awareness is an important area to focus on due to the fact that certain positions may cause you further discomfort and pain.
Restore Mobility
You can regain mobility and flexibility by taking part in the stretches and exercises as prescribed by your physical therapist.
How Long Will Physical Therapy for Headaches Last?
If you decide to work with a physical therapist to help with headache related issues, your entire treatment plan could consist of around 8-20+ different physical therapy sessions that will each last 60-90 minutes. Once you complete your customized physical therapy treatment plan, you will be able to continue to do the prescribed stretches and exercises utilized during your PT sessions yet in the comfort of your own home.
As mentioned above, headache management often requires a team approach. You might work with a neurologist or other headache specialist who may order blood work or imaging and discuss with you how medication management may fit into your treatment plan. You can also work with your physical therapist to identify modifiable triggers that can help reduce headache frequency and severity. Through a subjective interview about lifestyle habits and symptom pattern and a physical examination of body structures and activities that may contribute to your headaches, your PT can develop a plan of care to address your symptoms. Some of the headache triggers your PT may help you identify are as follows:
- Postural impairments: how are you sitting, standing, sleeping or otherwise positioning your back, arms, head, neck and jaw for prolonged periods or repeated activities throughout the day and night? Any activity or posture that causes tightness, tension or shortness of the muscles, nerves and joints around the head, neck and jaw may be contributing to headaches
- Dietary triggers: food and drink can be serious headache triggers in some people. Your PT may provide you a list of possible headache triggers and suggest you keep a food and symptoms diary to help look for correlations
- Stress levels:stress can contribute to a host of illnesses including headaches. Your PT can help you identify your level of stress and recommend lifestyle modifications, exercises and activities to help modulate your nervous system
- Sleep: poor or inadequate sleep can increase headaches in some. Your PT can help educate you on proper sleep hygiene strategies as well as address any symptoms of pain or discomfort that might be negatively impacting your sleep
- Muscle and soft tissue strength, length and mobility: impairments in the muscles and soft tissue around the head, neck, jaw and upper back may contribute to certain types of headaches such as tension-type headaches or cervicogenic headaches
- Joint mobility and stability: impairments in joint mobility and stability in the neck, upper back, jaw and even shoulders can trigger headaches if sustained postures or repeated activities are a headache trigger for you
- Breathing: if you are going to physical therapy you are already breathing, however, suboptimal patterns of both inhalation and exhalation can contribute to headaches in some people
If your life is being negatively affected by headaches, call the team at Evolve Physical Therapy today to learn more about how we can help you find some lasting relief. Call to Schedule a Consultation! 1-718-258-3300
Mill Basin (located in Harbor Fitness)
6161 Strickland Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11234
Monday: 7am-8pm
Tuesday: 7am-8pm
Wednesday: 8am-5pm
Thursday: 7am-8pm
Friday: 8am-1pm
Park Slope (located in Harbor Fitness)
550 5th Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Monday: 9am-8pm
Tuesday: 8am-6pm
Wednesday: 9am-8pm
Thursday: 8am-6pm
Friday: 8am-3pm
372 Avenue U
Brooklyn, NY 11223
Monday-Thursday: 8am-8pm
Friday: 8am-3pm
945 Kings Highway
Brooklyn, NY 11223
Monday-Thursday: 12pm-8pm
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Need physical therapy for Headaches?
Let our caring and compassionate physical therapists help you with relieving pain while getting you back on your feet comfortably.
Call now to schedule your first PT consultation free of charge.
Call: 1-718-258-3300