Rock Steady Boxing
Group Boxing for People Living With Parkinson’s DiseasE
Evolve Physical Therapy in Brooklyn, NY has licensed physical therapists who have been treating patients with Parkinson’s Disease in NYC for over 25 years. Evolve has teamed up with RSB to offer another truly great way to help the Parkinson’s community get stronger and better
At Our Marine Park Location
10am -11:00am
At the Sephardic Center  
11:00am -12:00pm
On Zoom  
11:30am -12:30pm
11:00am -12:00pm
The Experience
Training classes, taught by Physical Therapists and Certified Personal Trainers, include an exercise program that attacks Parkinson’s at its vulnerable neurological points. While focusing on overall fitness, strength training, reaction time and balance, workouts include: focus mitts, heavy bags, speed bags, double-ended bags, jump rope, core work, calisthenics and circuit weight training. No boxing experience is necessary and people of all ages are invited to participate. Boxers, both male and female, range in age from mid-30s to early 90s.
For more information about Evolve's RockSteady Boxing Classes for People Living with Parkinson's Disease, please call: 1-718-258-3300
The History of Rock Steady Boxing
Rock Steady Boxing is a nonprofit that was founded by Scott C. Newman, a former Indiana prosecutor, in 2006. Newman, who is living with Parkinson’s, started noticing great improvements to his overall health after participating in this high energy workout. As word started to get out about this new and exciting program, the demand started to increase. Now people living with Parkinson’s are finding hope through this fun and energetic workout program. We offer Parkinson’s boxing training classes here at Evolve for people at any skill level.
The “Rock” Hard Evidence
“Exercise studies may be pointing towards potential and important neuroplastic mechanisms that through restoring some degree of basal ganglia circuitry provide a window of opportunity to improve motor learning and behavioral performance.”
Petzinger, Giselle M., et al. "Exercise-enhanced neuroplasticity targeting motor and cognitive circuitry in Parkinson's disease." The Lancet Neurology 12.7 (2013): 716-726.
“Despite the progressive nature of PD, the patients in this case series showed short-term and long-term improvements in balance, gait, activities of daily living, and quality of life after the boxing training program. A longer duration of training was necessary for patients with moderate to severe PD to show maximal training outcomes. The boxing training program was feasible and safe for these patients with PD.”
Combs, Stephanie A., et al. "Boxing training for patients with Parkinson disease: a case series." Physical therapy 91.1 (2011): 132-142.
“This overall body of evidence suggests that vigorous exercise should be accorded a central place in our treatment of PD. It should be encouraged and emphasized as potential strategy for a more favorable disease course.”
Ahlskog, J. Eric. "Does vigorous exercise have a neuroprotective effect in Parkinson disease?." Neurology 77.3 (2011): 288-294."
What The Experts Say…
“We’re optimistic that exercise may be having the effect of slowing the course of Parkinson’s disease.”
Dr. S. Elizabeth Zauber, Indiana University Neurology, Movement Disorder Specialist
“The results from Rock Steady are awesome and impressive…We have evidence that aerobic exercise of any kind can reverse or slow down the progression of Parkinson’s disease. I am thumbs up because it works. People are happier and they are doing better with it.”
Dr. Michael Sermersheim, JWM Neurology
“Twenty-five percent of my patients come from Rock Steady… the changes to their speech, to their cognition, are much slower in those patients. They don’t get worse as quickly, and they tend to be better cognitively for longer.”
Jessica Huber, Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences Associate Professor, Purdue University
Can Rock Steady Boxing Help You?
Rock Steady Boxing works by moving your body in all planes of motion while continuously changing the routine as you progress through the workout. RSB classes have proven that anyone, at any level of Parkinson’s, can actually lessen their symptoms and lead a healthier/happier life.
Classes RSB offers four different levels of classes to accommodate varying degrees of Parkinson’s/fitness.
Support The PTs at Evolve Physical Therapy have years of experience with patients with Parkinson’s Disease, and know how to help patients move and feel better at any degree of fitness. We strive to help patients feel strong and empowered, and work hard to reduce the progression of symptoms, which is why Evolve and Rock Steady make a great match!
Camaraderie Friends for fighters and caregivers. Group fitness classes and positive atmosphere are proven to push fighters to work harder and will help them get better at a faster pace.