Brooklyn Physical Therapy News- Evolve NY
Evolve NY's Holistic Physical Therapy Services in NYC
Physical Therapy Services with Evolve - Are you looking for a physical therapist who not only creates a customized treatment plan, but also focuses on finding and treating any underlying health issues that you may have? At Evolve, we are a physical therapy clinic that values individualized treatment and a holistic approach.
Physical Therapy Services with Evolve
Are you looking for a physical therapist who not only creates a customized treatment plan, but also focuses on finding and treating any underlying health issues that you may have? At Evolve, we are a physical therapy clinic that values individualized treatment and a holistic approach. With our 3-step process we will focus on evaluation, healing, and strengthening. We provide dynamic physical therapy so you can be fit for life.
If you are in need of immediate physical therapy services, please call- 1-718-258-3300
Below is a comprehensive list of our available services and treatment plans:
Manual Physical Therapy:
Manual physical therapy is a type of treatment that utilizes soft tissue techniques to relieve tension in damaged tissue. This type of therapy will be initiated at your evaluation and continued over the course of your physical therapy. It has proven to be able to decrease back pain, muscle spasms, and joint dysfunction. Click here to find out more about our manual physical therapy services
Prehabilitation or prehab is used to help prevent an injury before it occurs. It is also used prior to having surgery to speed up recovery times. At Evolve, we use postural correction, functional strengthening, and mobility drills to address asymmetries, prevent injury, and optimize performance.
There are many ways that prehabilitation can benefit you. These would include but are not limited to: help to correct muscle imbalance, improve flexibility, fix joint alignment, normalize the stability of your core, and it can also help to improve the overall endurance of your muscles. Click here to find out more about our prehab physical therapy services
Parkinson's Boxing Training:
Rocksteady boxing is used to help people who have Parkinson’s disease regain strength and mobility. These exercises the target gross motor movement, balance, core strength and rhythm have been proven to slow down the progression of Parkinson’s disease. The boxing moves are adapted and designed to help patients regain control of their range of motion, and improve overall quality of life.
At any stage of this disease, those who attend these boxing classes will find that they are able to regain and start to build up their strength and flexibility again. Along with the increased range of mobility perks, boxing training can also help you work out any pent-up stress. Click here to find out more about our Parkinsons Disease physical therapy services
Running and gait:
This is a form of therapy that helps people regain the ability to stand, walk, or run. It can also be used to help athletes preform their best, or recover from a sports related injury. To access where it may be best to start improving these areas, your physical therapist may have you walk or run on a specialty treadmill that captures your movements. This allows them to point out what needs to be improved, and start to implement a treatment and recovery plan. Click here to find out more about our runners physical therapy services
Pediatric PT and Adolescent:
We have a dedicated team of therapists who specialize in physical therapy for pediatric and adolescents. We can implement therapy programs to meet all your family’s goals and help improve function and mobility for your children with our innovative physical therapy programs. Our creative and fun techniques will be a hit with kids as well as teens. Contact us for a consultation today to discuss available treatment options. Click here to find out more about our pediatric and adolescent physical therapy services
Schroth Method:
The Schroth Method directly accesses spinal movement and muscle tightness caused by scoliosis. With the Schroth method, we want to de-rotate, elongate, and stabilize the spine. This therapy will help restore muscle memory, posture, and alignment. Since Scoliosis is unique for anyone with the condition, our highly skilled therapists will develop a custom plan to fight back against your scoliosis, and help to prevent further rotation of your spine. Click here to find out more about our scoliosis physical therapy services
Hand Therapy:
By utilizing hand therapy, you can treat unique muscle groups, tendons, and ligaments. This kind of treatment can help you develop and regain your fine motor skills in your fingers, hands and wrists. Patients who qualify for hand therapy may have had a sports injury, or an accident that has caused them to lose mobility and function of their hands. Click here to find out more about our hand physical therapy services
TMJ Dysfunction Treatment:
We can help correct TMJ without surgery with our treatment plans. At Evolve, we can begin to heal issues with your temporomandibular joint that connects your jaw to your skull. Based on your current condition, we will develop a plan to help eliminate jaw pain associated with TMJ. The following are a few types of therapy that can be used to relieve this kind of pain: manual therapy, low-load exercises, and specialized pain treatments. Click here to find out more about our TMJ physical therapy services
Soft Tissue Therapy:
Here at Evolve, for musculoskeletal injuries, we use instrument-assisted soft-tissue mobilization (IASTM) to heal muscles and joints that cause pain during movement. This will improve range of motion, strength, and pain perception.
Here are a few reasons we utilize soft tissue therapy:
Soft Tissue Therapy can improve your range of motion
Reduce swelling and decrease pain
Reduce any adhesions that have formed
Prevent scar tissue build up
Lengthen muscles and tendons
Restore mobility and functionality of affected areas
There are many types of soft tissue techniques that may be incorporated into your treatment plan. Some of the following may be used during the course of your treatment: sustained pressure, direct oscillations, and parallel mobilization. Click here to find out more about our soft tissue physical therapy service
Post-surgical Care:
At Evolve, we are an outpatient facility. We align our treatment plans with our patients long term sports and activity goals. Our experienced physical therapists follow the latest and best protocols when creating your treatment plan. We will develop a close relationship with your surgeon and doctors so that we can work together as a team. It is important to us that you reach your highest fitness goals. With us, good enough just doesn’t cut it. Click here to find out more about our after surgery care physical therapy services
Orthopedic Physical Therapy- every physical therapist in our team is skilled to deal with injury or illness that affects your bones, joints, muscles, tendons or ligaments. These are mainly fractures, strains, sprains or postoperative conditions.
Our physical therapists will have you go through a thorough assessment before laying out a plan of treatment that is in line with your goals. You can expect to use modalities such as electrical stimulation, ultrasound and hot/cold application. We will teach you exercises that will help boost your healing, return you to function and to prevent re-injury. Click here to find out more about our
Orthopedic physical therapy can feel hard at first, as you start learning your exercises and moving through your pain. Treatment sessions are focused on rebuilding your flexibility, strength and function to help you get back on your feet. Click here for more information about our orthopedic physical therapy services
Occupational Physical Therapy- we also specialize in conditions related to daily function and movements and related injuries to your job. Certain hazards at the workplace can cause your body to feel aches and pains that make you susceptible to repetitive strain injuries-a.k.a- (RSI).
RSI, also known as work-related pain, is the general term used to describe muscle, nerve or tendon pain caused by repeated movements and overuse of our joints. It is also caused by improper posture, malalignment, vibrations, compressions, and other cumulative trauma. It can cover a wide range of painful musculoskeletal disorders.
At evolve, our physical therapists are well trained to spot these kinds of conditions and what could have possibly caused it. They will treat and manage your pain, give you exercises to stay pain free, and teach you strategies on how to prevent it from recurring. Click here to find out more about our occupational physical therapy services
Sports Physical Therapy- in sports, every athlete is prone to injury. In sports physical therapy, one of our our missions at Evolve Physical Therapy is to prevent and to minimize the risk for sports injuries.
Since our physical therapists are well versed in sports physical therapy, there are also trained to improve your form and performance through exercises that they provide. But sometimes, athletes do get injured, and again physical therapists are responsible to help them get back to the field.
Our physical therapists will often perform manual therapy, some soft tissue and deep tissue massage to loosen up muscles that stiffened because of an injury, after which you will start exercising to build your strength, endurance, balance and coordination. All of these exercises will help you return to your sport in tip top condition. Click here to find out more about our sports physical therapy services
Do You Need a Physical Therapist That Can Provide Specialized Treatment for Your Injury or Condition?
Regardless of your current condition we can formulate a plan to get you back to your best self. From accident to injury, we have physical therapy specialists that will dedicate themselves to your healing.
We have three prime New York City locations that are devoted to helping you recover. Our main physical therapy office is 3319 Avenue N, located in the heart of Marine Park in Brooklyn. This location features a tranquil and relaxing spa-like environment. Our second location, 6161 Strickland Avenue, is in Mill Basin’s Harbor Fitness, and is designed primarily for athletic patients. Our third and final location is 191 and 15th Street, located at Park Slope's Harbor Fitness. This facility is meant to push you even further in your physical therapy or fitness treatment. Contact us today to schedule your consultation with our team. Give us a call to schedule a consultation! 1-718-258-3300
About Evolve Physical Therapy in Brooklyn-
NYC's Premier Holistic Physical Therapy Clinics-
There’s physical therapy, there’s training, and then there’s EVOLVE. We use the science of bio-mechanics merged with fitness to help our patients get better and stay better!
First we evaluate, then we heal, then we strengthen our clients so they can reach their goals, feel better, and live happier lives. We do so by utilizing a range of core techniques and specialized treatments to reduce pain, improve mobility, enhance physical strength and deal with the underlying issues, not just the pain itself.
Multiple Locations!
Muscle Knots and Trigger Points
Muscle Knots, Trigger Points, and Physical Therapy- Did you know that our body can develop little bumps and knots within muscle tissue? You might even have one right now! If you’re experiencing body pain, chances are a muscle knot is causing your pain.
Muscle Knots and Physical Therapy
Did you know that our body can develop little bumps and knots within muscle tissue? You might even have one right now! If you’re experiencing body pain, chances are a muscle knot is causing your pain.
What are Muscle Knots?
Muscle Knots are those small, bump like areas in your muscles that cause pain when pressed or touched. They’re formally called a Trigger Point, and it literally does what it is called. It “triggers” a painful sensation where it is found, and can also affect nearby areas. The medical dictionary defines it as, a hyperirritable spot, a palpable nodule found in the taut bands of skeletal muscle. These annoying little spots can develop anywhere in our body, specifically in areas that are tense and tight. Aside from causing pain, muscle knots also commonly decrease a person’s range of motion.
What Causes Muscle Knots?
Muscle Knots or Trigger points are a result of muscle tension and tightness. Anyone can develop them, even an active athlete can have them. Muscle tightness usually comes from repetitive motion and activities. For example, if you are a weightlifter, you train the same weight lifting muscles everyday (and neglect some other muscles), therefore repeating the same movements every time you exercise. This tends to result in muscle tightness on certain areas. Muscle tension on the other hand can be a result of stress, such as when an office worker is stressed out about work. Muscle tension can also come from direct trauma or pain.
When muscles are tensed and tight, they cut off the blood supply of the microstructures within the muscle so all the dirty metabolites and waste by-products of these structures do not drain properly. Furthermore, muscle fails to relax after tensing up. This happens when a muscle is overworked, such as when we perform repetitive motions. The build up of these waste material is thought to be the muscle knot or trigger point. In another example, when the muscle experiences trauma, the muscle tenses, contracts and tightens as a means to protect itself from further injury. This is primarily a protective reaction mechanism of the body that blocks off blood supply, resulting in another accumulation of waste in an affected area. We must also remember that these occurrences are involuntary movement within the muscle. We cannot willfully control the chain of events that happen within these structures.
What are the signs and symptoms of a trigger point?
Symptoms usually start with a localized pain in a muscle when pressed and may cause pain in another area. For example, pressing a trigger point found in the shoulder may cause a headache. This is called “referred pain”. Typically, it starts with muscles that are involved in maintaining posture such as the neck, shoulders and low back, but may still develop in other muscles like the calf, quadriceps or hamstrings.
In your first session with a Physical Therapist, they normally would conduct an assessment and evaluation to determine what your body’s current status is. Your PT will perform a physical exam where he will try to find and palpate your muscle knots. He will pay close attention if he can elicit a muscle twitch, a transient, small or palpable muscle contraction. Oftentimes, a physical therapist can also elicit a jump sign in which an individual is startled by intense pain - this reflects the extreme tenderness of a trigger point. Aside from this, your PT will also check your range of motion because frequently, there is a limitation or a decrease in range caused by muscle knots. Lastly, your posture will also be examined, since trigger points are most commonly found in muscles involving posture.
Trigger points are commonly disregarded in a diagnosis. This is because there are no laboratory or imaging techniques that can confirm if you have a trigger point. Diagnosis is based purely on medical history, physical examination, and physical manifestations.
How Can a Physical Therapist Help?
The goal of physical therapy is to help you manage the pain and prevent it from recurring. After a thorough assessment, treatment usually starts off by breaking down the trigger point and releasing the muscles that are tight. There are a number of treatment modalities that your physical therapist can use to break down the knots. Manual techniques such as massage, stretching, manual therapy, soft-tissue therapy, active release therapy, and ischemic compression techniques are used to release the muscle and further break down the knot. A technique called the Stretch and Spray is also an option to use. With this technique, your PT will stretch the affected muscle and spray a vapocoolant spray - a cold modality - to numb the pain you feel when a knot is pressed or stretched. Your muscles will also need strength and re-conditioning after the muscle knot subsides as they are more than likely in a bad shape after all that tension and then sudden release. Your Physical Therapist will curate an exercise program based on his evaluation. Aerobic exercise should also be part of your rehabilitation program to increase your overall endurance.
If the trigger point causes too much pain, your PT can use electrical stimulation to lessen the pain. Doctors can also perform a steroid injection to the trigger point to lessen the pain and tenderness and make it easier for you to perform daily tasks.
What can you do at home?
Success of a physical therapy rehabilitation program also depends on your diligence to perform exercises given by your physical therapist. You should continue stretching and strengthening your muscles at home. You can opt to use hot or cold compresses and applying it to the painful area. If you can’t take the pain, there’s no harm in taking pain medications prescribed by your doctor. You can also try self massaging your painful muscles and joints, heating pads, cold compresses, or use use a tennis ball (any firm ball actually) or a glass bottle to massage your painful areas.
Trigger points form because of stress and tension, lessen these factors by learning relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises and meditation. Muscle tension and tightness results from improper posture and alignment, you should then adjust your ergonomics based on your needs. For example, fix your workstation at the office so you’ll be able to sit and work comfortably without straining your neck, shoulders and back. Live a stress-free life by getting more rest and sleep, eating healthy, engaging in regular physical activity like swimming, running, or cycling.
In Conclusion…
Muscle knots or Trigger Points, can potentially have a debilitating effect on our everyday function. Do not wait until the pain is unbearable before consulting a doctor or a Physical Therapist. Keep in mind, your physical therapy session is just one half of your road to recovery. Your physical therapist will show you how to eliminate, manage, and prevent trigger points from hopefully ever happening again.
Brooklyn's Premier Physical Therapy Clinics-
There’s physical therapy, there’s training, and then there’s EVOLVE. We use the science of biomechanics merged with fitness to help our patients get better and stay better!
First we evaluate, then we heal, then we strengthen our clients so they can reach their goals, feel better, and live happier lives. We do so by utilizing a range of core techniques and specialized treatments to reduce pain, improve mobility, enhance physical strength and deal with the underlying issues, not just the pain itself.
Got Pain? Schedule a Consultation Today! Walk Ins Welcome.
Multiple Locations!
Evolve Physical Therapy Updates New Location in Park Slope, Brooklyn
Evolve Physical Therapy Relocates One Physical Therapy Clinic to New Location in Park Slope, Brooklyn…
Evolve Physical Therapy Relocates One Clinic to New Location in Park Slope, Brooklyn
Hello from the team at Evolve Physical Therapy!
We wanted to send out an update to confirm with everyone that we do in fact have a 3rd location. The newly updated physical therapy clinic is located in Parkslope, Brooklyn on the front side of Harbor Fitness!
About Our 3 Physical therapy Clinic Locations:
Our very first location is in the Marine Park neighborhood in Brooklyn and offers two studios. One of the studios is focused on healing existing physical issues and conditions while the second studio is solely devoted to specialized strength training . Move between the two as you improve your physical wellness. Relax with complimentary coffee, tea and spa water.
Our first Harbor Fitness location, also known as Evolve's 2nd physical therapy clinic, is located in the Mill Basin neighborhood of Brooklyn, NY. At this specific location, Evolve offers both advanced holistic physical therapy services and specialized fitness programs by our friendly, personable staff, while utilizing the latest in cutting edge physical therapy equipment and state of the art fitness technology.
Why we opened up a 3rd location? Convenience for YOU of course!
Our 3rd addition to the Evolve Physical Therapy locations list is located at Evolve's second Harbor Fitness location in Park Slope, Brooklyn. At this new location we focus specifically on strength training and strength development as a method of injury rehabilitation and injury prevention.
In short, Evolve's physical therapists will assist you with a personalized physical therapy program to get you back feeling 100% better!
Check out our new Park Slope Physical Therapy Clinic
New Physical Therapy Services Now Offered by Evolve's Personable and Professional Physical Therapists-
Offering physical therapy services and individualized treatment programs for different parts of the body including- carpel tunnel, planter fasciitis, hand therapy, TMJ, neck tension, muscle tightness, tight calf muscles, prehab, post surgery recovery and care, specialized sports treatment physical therapy programs, soft tissue therapy, and pediatric physical therapy programs for kids and growing teenagers.
Benefits of Using Evolve's Physical Therapy Services-
There are many potential health benefits of receiving holistic physical therapy treatments, massage therapies, chiropractic sessions, and other types of therapy treatments. Some of the benefits include: increases in blood and oxygen flow to problematic areas, increased flexibility, reduces stiffness, improves range of motion, increases optimal muscle function, reduces pain levels associated with injuries and conditions, improves success with chronic pain management programs, increases injury recovery times, assists with injury prevention, enhances overall physical performance, etc.
For more information on all of Evolve's advanced holistic physical therapy services in Brooklyn, please visit:
“Our ultimate goal At Evolve is to utilize core techniques and offer a wide range of specialized treatments to reduce pain, improve mobility, and enhance physical strength”. Louis Ezrick, CEO of Evolve Physical Therapy.
Ready to get Started?
Evolve's Official Online Patient Registration Form:
About Evolve Physical Therapy
Brooklyn’s Premier Holistic Physical Therapy Clinics-
There’s physical therapy, there’s training, and then there’s EVOLVE. We use the science of bio-mechanics merged with fitness to help our patients get better and stay better!
First we evaluate, then we heal, then we strengthen our clients so they can reach their goals, feel better, and live happier lives. We do so by utilizing a range of core techniques and specialized treatments to reduce pain, improve mobility, enhance physical strength and deal with the underlying issues, not just the pain itself.
Schedule a Consultation with Evolve's holistic physical therapists below-
Phone# (718)258-3300
Physical Therapy and Stroke Recovery
Physical Therapy and Stroke Rehabilitation: The following article is a quick guide that you can use as a starting point to give you an idea of what a stroke is, what can cause a stroke, how a stroke rehab program is the most suitable decision after having a stroke, and how we can work together to overcome any of the stroke’s lasting effects on your body.
Physical Therapy and Stroke Rehabilitation
As most of us probably already know, having a stroke is perhaps one of the most terrifying situations a person could ever go through. Fortunately though, if you ever have a stroke, you don’t have to sit there and accept the damage the stroke has done to your body. There are steps that we can take to get you to a point where you regain function of your body while also building up your strength. The following article is a quick guide that you can use as a starting point to give you an idea of what a stroke is, what can cause a stroke, how a stroke rehab program is the most suitable decision after having a stroke, and how we can work together to overcome any of the stroke’s lasting effects on your body.
What is a stroke?
A stroke is when brain tissue is damaged due to a lack of nutrients and oxygen. This is what we call a cerebrovascular accident. The most common cause of a stroke is the clogging of a blood vessel in your brain, causing certain parts of it to rapidly fail. This type of event is an ischemic stroke, where as the bursting of a blood vessel is a hemorrhagic stroke. Both of these types of stroke are equally terrifying. Both of these types of stroke can cause severe damage to the nervous system and dramatic loss of motor function. The extent of damage a stroke can cause widely varies depending on the section of the brain and where the stroke related “hot spot” is located.
What are the common signs of a stroke?
Sudden numbness and weakness
Sudden headache, dizziness, problems with coordination, and loss of balance
Changes in eyesight
Slurred speech and confusion
What are the risk factors for a stroke?
High cholesterol and triglyceride levels
High blood pressure
Cardiovascular conditions
Lack of physical activity
The last two points, obesity and lack of physical activity are the biggest risk factors for a stroke. Now, I know that sometimes I can talk about them a lot but these two risk factors are important as they are something that you can control. When you are at Evolve you will need to face the possible consequences of your past lifestyle, but that doesn’t mean that you have to live with these consequences. We all hope that a stroke won’t happen to us, but if it does then there is a thing or two we can do to help.
What does the rehab program entail after a stroke?
The first thing we do is an initial assessment, which is absolutely crucial so that we can judge your overall postural tone as well as your level of sensory deficit. It is extremely important that before we start you on your rehab program that we have a clear picture of how you feel and how you will respond to the different physical therapy activities. We always follow the moto "Primum non nocere", which is a fancy way of saying do no harm.
The initial phase of treatment is all about reeducating any muscles that have lost motor functions. If we are dealing with the loss of function in either an arm or leg, the therapy will focus on achieving joint movements through a full range of motion. We will start with passive movements at first until you experience some regeneration going on and traces of contraction. Then we move on to aided movements, where you will need to try as hard as possible to gain control of the affected limb.
As we move through the process and as you improve, we will move on to more complex tasks, including working to achieve fine motor activity in the hands and fingers. This is a very important segment because achieving success here in therapy will give you a lot more independence and self-confidence in your daily life.
Before starting the stroke rehab program, you must understand that every treatment is individually adjusted, and it depends on the patient's current status. It is crucial that you continue to perform the physical therapy movements and exercises at home, and make it into a daily routine. That way you can work on getting better every day and we can make sure that you are not missing any opportunity to make your stroke recovery quicker.
What results can you expect from stroke physiotherapy?
How long you can expect to undergo stroke rehabilitation depends on the severity of the stroke. In a lot of cases, you can expect to see results typically around 3 to 6 months. After this period, the longer you continue the physical therapy sessions and recommended daily routines, the more longer lasting results you will achieve.
How do I sign up for a stroke rehabilitation program?
Stroke rehabilitation has the best outcome if it is started as soon as possible. Do not hesitate to book your first stroke rehab session at Evolve Physical Therapy today! As soon as you are booked in, we will give you an initial assessment and then we can get underway with your full stroke rehab program immediately. The quicker we start, the quicker you can regain motor function and achieve more independence.
Call: 1-718-258-3300
Or Get Started by Filling Out Our Form Here- https://evolveny.com/contact
About Evolve Physical Therapy-
Brooklyn's Premier Holistic Physical Therapy Clinics-
There’s physical therapy, there’s training, and then there’s EVOLVE. We use the science of biomechanics merged with fitness to help our patients get better and stay better!
First we evaluate, then we heal, then we strengthen our clients so they can reach their goals, feel better, and live happier lives. We do so by utilizing a range of core techniques and specialized treatments to reduce pain, improve mobility, enhance physical strength and deal with the underlying issues, not just the pain itself.
Multiple Locations!