Brooklyn Physical Therapy News- Evolve NY
5 Best Exercises to Prep for Football Season
5 Best Exercises to Prep for Football Season- If you want an edge this coming football season then preparation needs to begin well before tryouts. While you work to get your mental game on point, incorporating these five exercise principles into your weekly workouts will help you get game ready…
Prepare for Football Season with These Five Types of Exercise
If you want an edge this coming football season then preparation needs to begin well before tryouts. While you work to get your mental game on point, incorporating these five exercise principles into your weekly workouts will help you get game ready. The goal of preseason conditioning should be to prepare your body for the physical demands of both practices and games so that you can help lead your team to victory and stay off the injured list (Fullagar HHK, McCunn R, Murray A, 2017).
A good trainer will help you periodize and structure your offseason and preseason workouts but a well-rounded training program should incorporate these five elements :
Strength training: Offseason is the time to focus on strength development and muscle hypertrophy. Compound movements like deadlift, front squat, side lunges, and isolated strength training like lat pulldowns or bicep curls when performed in sets of 8-12 at 40-80% of your one rep max with a 2-3 minutes break between sets will help increase muscle hypertrophy. Your coach or trainer may recommend you focus more on certain muscle groups depending on the position you play on the field but two to three training sessions per week during the offseason can help increase your strength.
Speed and power: If all you were required to do on the field was lift or push something heavy then strength training might be all you needed. Football players, though, need to accelerate or decelerate a great deal of force at quick speeds. This is where speed and power training become important. Power lifts at >80% of one rep max, plyometrics, and sprints are great ways to develop explosive speed. This type of training is hugely beneficial to prepare for football season but needs to be incorporated carefully as it can be easy to injure oneself if not done correctly. Your coach or trainer can help you build a program for speed and power that meets your current fitness levels to improve your play and decrease your risk for injury.
Agility: Since football is a multiplayer game you need to be able to react quickly to the actions of both your teammates and your opponents. The ability to make whole-body changes in speed or direction in response to a stimulus is called agility. You can have all the strength and power in the world but if you can’t harness that energy to make a quick change in speed or direction you will be at a disadvantage during a game. Ladder drills and cone drills like zig zag and four corners are examples of agility drills. These drills focus on quick feet with deceleration and acceleration as well as changes in direction–forward run, side shuffle and backpedal.
Flexibility: We’ve already looked at how agility is imperative to both a good offense and a good defense but without enough flexibility in the upper and lower body and the spine it will be difficult to translate the speed and power you developed during pre-season training into quick changes in direction and fast passes on the field. Off-season is the perfect time to start working on your flexibility. Static and dynamic muscle stretches and joint mobility exercises that target the groin or adductor muscles, and the hip flexors, for example can help a player play low and generate power from these positions.
Spend time at the beginning of each workout developing flexibility throughout your hips, knees, ankle and spine and follow it up with strength and stability exercises so that you learn to control your body and develop power within these new ranges.
Aerobic Conditioning: while quick bouts of sprinting, backpedaling and cutting that challenge the anaerobic system are common during a football game, the typical rest time between plays and during advertising-, injury-, and tactical-timeouts averages between 25 and 40s (Fullagar HHK, McCunn R, Murray A, 2017) which may not be long enough to bring your heart rate and breathing rate down to resting levels. This places a high demand on the cardiorespiratory system and if you have been neglecting aerobic conditioning you may find yourself still trying to recover your breathing as the next play starts.
Aerobic conditioning involves sustained exercise at 60-80% of your heart rate max. This could mean running, rowing, swimming, jumping rope, or riding a bike, for example. If you have been training pretty consistently using the calculation below will give you a pretty good estimate of your max heart rate:
220 - your age = max heart rate (MHR)
To estimate your aerobic training zone you can calculate the equivalent heart rate for 60% and 80% of your heart rate max and use those numbers to monitor your heart rate during workouts. If you haven’t been doing aerobic conditioning or if it’s especially hot out you may notice you have to go slower or at a lower intensity than expected initially. If you perform consistent aerobic training you will notice you can train faster and harder while maintaining your heart rate in the aerobic zone and you should notice a change in your recovery and endurance in the later parts of a game.
Now that we’ve discussed the exercise principles that should be incorporated into a well-rounded offseason football training program you may still be wondering exactly which exercises are right for you. This article is focusing more on the principles of a training program than the specific exercises because a high quality training program will be individualized both to your needs as an individual player and to the demands of the position you play on the team. The kicker, the linebacker, and the quarterback have different skills and strengths they need to develop and working with your trainer and coach to target these skills in your workout will help you become a better player.
Now that we see how offseason prep in the training room is important to prepare for football season, we should also acknowledge that offseason is the perfect time to rehab any injuries or irritations. If you are currently injured or have noticed a pain or irritation that develops as training and practices ramp up, now is the time to schedule an appointment with the physical therapists at Evolve so they can help you recover and build resilience ahead of football season.
Click here to find out more information about sports physical therapy for football players
About EvolveNY-
Brooklyn's Premier Holistic Physical Therapy Clinics- There’s physical therapy, there’s training, and then there’s EVOLVE. We use the science of biomechanics merged with fitness to help our patients get better and stay better!
First we evaluate, then we heal, then we strengthen our clients so they can reach their goals, feel better, and live happier lives. We do so by utilizing a range of core techniques and specialized treatments to reduce pain, improve mobility, enhance physical strength and deal with the underlying issues, not just the pain itself.
4 Brooklyn Locations!
Offices in Marine Park, Park Slope, Mill Basin, and Our New HQ in Gravesend!
Pediatric Sports PT; Just What the Coach Ordered
Pediatric Sports PT; Just What the Coach Ordered- Sprinting Away from Pediatric Sports Injuries. Sports and athletics can be one of the most fun and rewarding aspects of a young child or teenager’s life. Through sports, children and adolescents learn how to set goals, how to manage their time, how to work as a team, and strategies for improving their performance. They also develop their fitness, coordination, balance and agility. One aspect of sports and athletics for kids and teenagers that cannot be ignored, however, is the risk of injury…
Sprinting Away from Pediatric Sports Injuries
Sports and athletics can be one of the most fun and rewarding aspects of a young child or teenager’s life. Through sports, children and adolescents learn how to set goals, how to manage their time, how to work as a team, and strategies for improving their performance. They also develop their fitness, coordination, balance and agility. One aspect of sports and athletics for kids and teenagers that cannot be ignored, however, is the risk of injury. According to sports injury statistics through Stanford University, more than 3.5 million children ages 14 and younger get hurt annually while participating in sports or recreational activities.
While avoiding all injuries might not be possible, having the right rehab professionals in your corner makes all the difference. Is your athlete injured? Schedule an appointment with a local physical therapist right away to jumpstart the recovery process. Looking to dodge those injuries before they happen? You should also schedule an appointment with a physical therapist because PTs don’t just treat injuries after they happen but they treat athletes before they are injured!
While anyone participating in sports and athletics is susceptible to an injury, certain things about young athletes' bodies may make them more prone to injury than their adult counterparts. First, their bodies are growing and maturing. Bones, tendons, and ligaments are still developing and when combined with still-evolving coordination, stamina, and strength, are more susceptible to injury. Additionally, while severe injury is less common in young children, individual teenage athletes may be at differing phases of growth and development and are capable of moving at much faster speeds and generating high levels of contact force which may increase their risk for injuries.
In recent years, guidelines and limitations on length, duration, intensity and frequency of practices and competitions have changed as professionals recognize that the bodies of young athletes cannot withstand the stresses of intense, frequent practices in the same way that an adult can. There is a lot that can be done, however, to make their bodies as resilient and prepared as possible for the demands of their favorite sports and activities.
Sports injuries in young athletes fall into two main categories. Acute injuries occur suddenly in response to a force, stretch, or strain that is too great for the body’s tissues to handle. A fall while diving for home base results in a fractured wrist. A poorly aimed kick to the thigh instead of the soccer ball causes a hematoma. A rolled ankle after a jump shot leads to a sprained ankle. In each of these cases pain, inflammation, bruising, and difficulty moving or using the injured body part sets in immediately or shortly after the injury. Protecting the joint, helping the injured tissues begin to heal, preventing loss of flexibility and strength to the greatest degree possible, and eventually restoring normal strength, coordination, flexibility, power, and neuromuscular control are the primary goals of physical therapy in this case.
Outside of acute injuries, young athletes may be dealing with chronic conditions or overuse injuries. In this case an area of the body experiences minor injury or irritation but does not fully recover between bouts of use or exercise which causes symptoms to recur and persist. Chronic and overuse injuries often happen when athletes are performing repetitive activities like pitching in baseball or running in track but their tissues are not strong or resilient enough to handle the load that the high volume demands. They can also occur when poor movement patterns or biomechanical errors repeatedly overload parts of the body incorrectly. Tendinopathies such as achilles tendinopathy, patellar tendinopathy, or tendinopathies in the elbow are examples of overuse injuries. Stress fractures and plantar fasciitis are other examples.
Whether the young athlete is trying to recover from an acute injury or has been dealing with these symptoms for some time, pain, inflammation, weakness, and difficulty or inability to participate in their sport can occur. While reduction or modification to training is often important to allow injuries to heal, stopping activity altogether and resting completely is often not the best course of action. It is important, however, to seek the guidance of a trained professional like a pediatric sports physical therapist who understands the process of tissue healing and how to maximize the rate of healing and return to sport while minimizing the time you are sitting on the sidelines.
If you are being treated for an acute injury such as a sprain or strain, fracture or muscle contusion,your physical therapist will educate you on how to protect these newly healing tissues. Treatment may include compression or bracing, offloading the injured area through crutches, modalities such as ice, ultrasound, or electrical stimulation to reduce pain and swelling, and activity modification.
In well-healed tissues or in chronic or overuse injuries, your physical therapy program will focus not only on continuing to reduce pain, irritation, or instability but also on addressing areas of weakness, tightness, and impaired neuromotor control both at the site of injury and in surrounding areas. Because physical therapists are movement experts, they will individualize the rehabilitation plan to match the demands that the young athlete’s sport or activity places on the body to prepare for return to full sport and decrease the likelihood of injury recurrence.
Because of the dynamic nature of sports, we can expect that bones, ligaments, muscles, and tendons that aren’t prepared for the dynamic forces of athletics are more likely to be injured. There is no reason to wait for an injury to occur, however, before implementing a plan to fix muscular imbalances, improve coordination, and enhance technique. Areas of weakness, areas that lack flexibility, and errors in movement control can be identified by a physical therapist through careful assessment. By evaluating a young athlete before they are injured, there is an opportunity to address individual risk factors through exercise and training and educate the athlete, their parents, and their coaches on how to properly warm up and to avoid playing when very tired or already in pain.
Staying injury-free is one way to promote lifelong participation in sports and recreational activities. Work with a pediatric physical therapist at the first sign of injury to help get the young athlete back on the field. But also take advantage of their expertise to individualize a training program for aerobic, resistance, and mobility training that will keep young athletes healthy and happy in their favorite sports for years to come. A physical therapist at Evolve is ready to get your young athlete optimized for injury prevention and sports performance.
Click here for more information about pediatric sports physical therapy
About EvolveNY-
Brooklyn's Premier Holistic Physical Therapy Clinics- There’s physical therapy, there’s training, and then there’s EVOLVE. We use the science of biomechanics merged with fitness to help our patients get better and stay better!
First we evaluate, then we heal, then we strengthen our clients so they can reach their goals, feel better, and live happier lives. We do so by utilizing a range of core techniques and specialized treatments to reduce pain, improve mobility, enhance physical strength and deal with the underlying issues, not just the pain itself.
Multiple Locations!
WORKING FROM HOME CAUSING YOU BACK PAIN? GET BACK ON TRACK! Reduce Back Pain while working from home. 4 Tips to Reduce Back Pain-If you’ve been working from home for a while and are noticing lower back pain that lingers, it could be caused by your home office set-up. Working longer hours, not having a supportive chair and poor posture can all lead to back pain. “The urgency in which people were sent home to work during the peak of the pandemic, left little to no time to set up a proper office space,” explains Dr. Nathan Kind, physical therapist at Evolve Sport Rehabilitation - Brooklyn. “Also, without the usual distractions of work, people find themselves sitting for 3-4 hours or more without getting up to run to various meeting room shared office spaces.
GET BACK ON TRACK! Reduce Back Pain While Working from Home.
4 Tips to Reduce Back Pain
If you’ve been working from home for a while and are noticing lower back pain that lingers, it could be caused by your home office set-up. Working longer hours, not having a supportive chair and poor posture can all lead to back pain. “The urgency in which people were sent home to work during the peak of the pandemic, left little to no time to set up a proper office space,” explains Dr. Nathan Kind, physical therapist at Evolve Sport Rehabilitation - Brooklyn. “Also, without the usual distractions of work, people find themselves sitting for 3-4 hours or more without getting up to run to various meeting room shared office spaces.
Extended sitting leads to poor posture, which can ultimately lead to pain. Nathan further explains that “The stress from juggling life at home can also increase pain from ramped up cortisol, tightness in muscles, shallow breathing and decreased circulation throughout the body,” Dr. Kind explains. “It’s been a perfect recipe of factors that contribute to back and neck pain.” Dr. Kind shares advice on how to get “back on track” reduce back pain while working from home.
Tips on How To Reduce Back Pain And Sciatica While Working From Home-
Whether you’re suffering from pain in the lower back, mid-back, or upper back and shoulders, here are two stretches that are easy to try:
Knee to chest: Don’t be fooled by this stretch’s simplicity. This is a really effective way to stretch the hamstrings and lower back. Lie on your back with your legs flat on the floor. Gently bend one leg up, placing your hands over your knee to hold it in place. Hold this for 30 seconds on each leg.
Side bends: While standing, slowly slide your right hand down the side of your right leg, going as far as you can until you feel any stretch or discomfort. Hold for 10 seconds and ease yourself back to standing. Repeat on the left side.
Put your screen in front of you at a comfortable viewing height. Don’t look down at your screen, like to a laptop on a table or to your phone. And don’t angle your screen so you must twist your neck–some people like to put their keyboard and mouse in front of them with their screen off to the side, but then they end up dealing with neck pain from the swiveling. If you have a separate screen or if you are using a laptop, you might have to put it on a pile of books or on a cardboard box to raise it to a comfortable viewing position straight in front of you.
Simple, yet often forgotten when we get busy, remember to keep up your water intake. Drinking plenty of water helps keep your muscles and skin well hydrated. It ensures the body has plenty of opportunities to take away waste products from the muscles that are working hard keeping you in your forced typing/desk position. There are also secondary benefits too. You have to get up out of your seat to get a refill, giving you a natural break and, most likely, you will be going to the loo more often!
When we asked Dr. Kind, what’s the most important advice you can give someone working from home ? He replied “ Take a shake break, take a break simply just to move and schedule time to take care of your body”.
The Key is not to stay in any one position for longer than about 45 minutes. Get up and move around be intentional about your movement. If you have a smartwatch or Fitbit wear it and follow the prompts to stretch.
If you need help with getting back on track schedule Physical Therapy as part of your weekly fitness/wellness routine. There are a lot of simple exercises we can teach you to do at home or at work to strengthen your core and support your lower back and spine.
Got Sciatica? Do you have an excruciating pain or electrical shock feeling running down your back and legs that just won't quit? Check Out Some of Evolve Physical Therapy’s Lower Back Stretches and Sciatica Specific Stretches…
Got Pain? Schedule a Consultation Today! Walk Ins Welcome.
Got lower back pain and/or Sciatica? Call us today to schedule an appointment! Call- 1-718-258-3300
About Evolve Physical Therapy in Brooklyn-
There’s physical therapy, there’s training, and then there’s EVOLVE. We use the science of bio-mechanics merged with fitness to help our patients get better and stay better!
First we evaluate, then we heal, then we strengthen our clients so they can reach their goals, feel better, and live happier lives. We do so by utilizing a range of core techniques and specialized treatments to reduce pain, improve mobility, enhance physical strength and deal with the underlying issues, not just the pain itself.
Multiple Locations!
Evolve NY's Holistic Physical Therapy Services in NYC
Physical Therapy Services with Evolve - Are you looking for a physical therapist who not only creates a customized treatment plan, but also focuses on finding and treating any underlying health issues that you may have? At Evolve, we are a physical therapy clinic that values individualized treatment and a holistic approach.
Physical Therapy Services with Evolve
Are you looking for a physical therapist who not only creates a customized treatment plan, but also focuses on finding and treating any underlying health issues that you may have? At Evolve, we are a physical therapy clinic that values individualized treatment and a holistic approach. With our 3-step process we will focus on evaluation, healing, and strengthening. We provide dynamic physical therapy so you can be fit for life.
If you are in need of immediate physical therapy services, please call- 1-718-258-3300
Below is a comprehensive list of our available services and treatment plans:
Manual Physical Therapy:
Manual physical therapy is a type of treatment that utilizes soft tissue techniques to relieve tension in damaged tissue. This type of therapy will be initiated at your evaluation and continued over the course of your physical therapy. It has proven to be able to decrease back pain, muscle spasms, and joint dysfunction. Click here to find out more about our manual physical therapy services
Prehabilitation or prehab is used to help prevent an injury before it occurs. It is also used prior to having surgery to speed up recovery times. At Evolve, we use postural correction, functional strengthening, and mobility drills to address asymmetries, prevent injury, and optimize performance.
There are many ways that prehabilitation can benefit you. These would include but are not limited to: help to correct muscle imbalance, improve flexibility, fix joint alignment, normalize the stability of your core, and it can also help to improve the overall endurance of your muscles. Click here to find out more about our prehab physical therapy services
Parkinson's Boxing Training:
Rocksteady boxing is used to help people who have Parkinson’s disease regain strength and mobility. These exercises the target gross motor movement, balance, core strength and rhythm have been proven to slow down the progression of Parkinson’s disease. The boxing moves are adapted and designed to help patients regain control of their range of motion, and improve overall quality of life.
At any stage of this disease, those who attend these boxing classes will find that they are able to regain and start to build up their strength and flexibility again. Along with the increased range of mobility perks, boxing training can also help you work out any pent-up stress. Click here to find out more about our Parkinsons Disease physical therapy services
Running and gait:
This is a form of therapy that helps people regain the ability to stand, walk, or run. It can also be used to help athletes preform their best, or recover from a sports related injury. To access where it may be best to start improving these areas, your physical therapist may have you walk or run on a specialty treadmill that captures your movements. This allows them to point out what needs to be improved, and start to implement a treatment and recovery plan. Click here to find out more about our runners physical therapy services
Pediatric PT and Adolescent:
We have a dedicated team of therapists who specialize in physical therapy for pediatric and adolescents. We can implement therapy programs to meet all your family’s goals and help improve function and mobility for your children with our innovative physical therapy programs. Our creative and fun techniques will be a hit with kids as well as teens. Contact us for a consultation today to discuss available treatment options. Click here to find out more about our pediatric and adolescent physical therapy services
Schroth Method:
The Schroth Method directly accesses spinal movement and muscle tightness caused by scoliosis. With the Schroth method, we want to de-rotate, elongate, and stabilize the spine. This therapy will help restore muscle memory, posture, and alignment. Since Scoliosis is unique for anyone with the condition, our highly skilled therapists will develop a custom plan to fight back against your scoliosis, and help to prevent further rotation of your spine. Click here to find out more about our scoliosis physical therapy services
Hand Therapy:
By utilizing hand therapy, you can treat unique muscle groups, tendons, and ligaments. This kind of treatment can help you develop and regain your fine motor skills in your fingers, hands and wrists. Patients who qualify for hand therapy may have had a sports injury, or an accident that has caused them to lose mobility and function of their hands. Click here to find out more about our hand physical therapy services
TMJ Dysfunction Treatment:
We can help correct TMJ without surgery with our treatment plans. At Evolve, we can begin to heal issues with your temporomandibular joint that connects your jaw to your skull. Based on your current condition, we will develop a plan to help eliminate jaw pain associated with TMJ. The following are a few types of therapy that can be used to relieve this kind of pain: manual therapy, low-load exercises, and specialized pain treatments. Click here to find out more about our TMJ physical therapy services
Soft Tissue Therapy:
Here at Evolve, for musculoskeletal injuries, we use instrument-assisted soft-tissue mobilization (IASTM) to heal muscles and joints that cause pain during movement. This will improve range of motion, strength, and pain perception.
Here are a few reasons we utilize soft tissue therapy:
Soft Tissue Therapy can improve your range of motion
Reduce swelling and decrease pain
Reduce any adhesions that have formed
Prevent scar tissue build up
Lengthen muscles and tendons
Restore mobility and functionality of affected areas
There are many types of soft tissue techniques that may be incorporated into your treatment plan. Some of the following may be used during the course of your treatment: sustained pressure, direct oscillations, and parallel mobilization. Click here to find out more about our soft tissue physical therapy service
Post-surgical Care:
At Evolve, we are an outpatient facility. We align our treatment plans with our patients long term sports and activity goals. Our experienced physical therapists follow the latest and best protocols when creating your treatment plan. We will develop a close relationship with your surgeon and doctors so that we can work together as a team. It is important to us that you reach your highest fitness goals. With us, good enough just doesn’t cut it. Click here to find out more about our after surgery care physical therapy services
Orthopedic Physical Therapy- every physical therapist in our team is skilled to deal with injury or illness that affects your bones, joints, muscles, tendons or ligaments. These are mainly fractures, strains, sprains or postoperative conditions.
Our physical therapists will have you go through a thorough assessment before laying out a plan of treatment that is in line with your goals. You can expect to use modalities such as electrical stimulation, ultrasound and hot/cold application. We will teach you exercises that will help boost your healing, return you to function and to prevent re-injury. Click here to find out more about our
Orthopedic physical therapy can feel hard at first, as you start learning your exercises and moving through your pain. Treatment sessions are focused on rebuilding your flexibility, strength and function to help you get back on your feet. Click here for more information about our orthopedic physical therapy services
Occupational Physical Therapy- we also specialize in conditions related to daily function and movements and related injuries to your job. Certain hazards at the workplace can cause your body to feel aches and pains that make you susceptible to repetitive strain injuries-a.k.a- (RSI).
RSI, also known as work-related pain, is the general term used to describe muscle, nerve or tendon pain caused by repeated movements and overuse of our joints. It is also caused by improper posture, malalignment, vibrations, compressions, and other cumulative trauma. It can cover a wide range of painful musculoskeletal disorders.
At evolve, our physical therapists are well trained to spot these kinds of conditions and what could have possibly caused it. They will treat and manage your pain, give you exercises to stay pain free, and teach you strategies on how to prevent it from recurring. Click here to find out more about our occupational physical therapy services
Sports Physical Therapy- in sports, every athlete is prone to injury. In sports physical therapy, one of our our missions at Evolve Physical Therapy is to prevent and to minimize the risk for sports injuries.
Since our physical therapists are well versed in sports physical therapy, there are also trained to improve your form and performance through exercises that they provide. But sometimes, athletes do get injured, and again physical therapists are responsible to help them get back to the field.
Our physical therapists will often perform manual therapy, some soft tissue and deep tissue massage to loosen up muscles that stiffened because of an injury, after which you will start exercising to build your strength, endurance, balance and coordination. All of these exercises will help you return to your sport in tip top condition. Click here to find out more about our sports physical therapy services
Do You Need a Physical Therapist That Can Provide Specialized Treatment for Your Injury or Condition?
Regardless of your current condition we can formulate a plan to get you back to your best self. From accident to injury, we have physical therapy specialists that will dedicate themselves to your healing.
We have three prime New York City locations that are devoted to helping you recover. Our main physical therapy office is 3319 Avenue N, located in the heart of Marine Park in Brooklyn. This location features a tranquil and relaxing spa-like environment. Our second location, 6161 Strickland Avenue, is in Mill Basin’s Harbor Fitness, and is designed primarily for athletic patients. Our third and final location is 191 and 15th Street, located at Park Slope's Harbor Fitness. This facility is meant to push you even further in your physical therapy or fitness treatment. Contact us today to schedule your consultation with our team. Give us a call to schedule a consultation! 1-718-258-3300
About Evolve Physical Therapy in Brooklyn-
NYC's Premier Holistic Physical Therapy Clinics-
There’s physical therapy, there’s training, and then there’s EVOLVE. We use the science of bio-mechanics merged with fitness to help our patients get better and stay better!
First we evaluate, then we heal, then we strengthen our clients so they can reach their goals, feel better, and live happier lives. We do so by utilizing a range of core techniques and specialized treatments to reduce pain, improve mobility, enhance physical strength and deal with the underlying issues, not just the pain itself.
Multiple Locations!
Sports Physical Therapy
What is Sports Physical Therapy? As an athlete, you may need physical therapy for an injury over the course of your career. You may also decide to take part in physical therapy exercises to improve your athletic performance. At Evolve, we provide a wide array of sports physical therapy services to help you improve and maintain your athletic skill levels.
What is Sports Physical Therapy?
As an athlete, you may need physical therapy for an injury over the course of your career. You may also decide to take part in physical therapy exercises to improve your athletic performance. At Evolve, we provide a wide array of sports physical therapy services to help you improve and maintain your athletic skill levels.
What Can You Expect from Physical Therapy for Sports Injuries
When you come to Evolve for our sports therapy services you can expect us to take the following into account when developing your recovery plan: the type and severity of your injury, the requirements of your sport, and your individual body mechanics.
Our sports physical therapy services will incorporate multiple strengthening exercises to help you recover from your injury. The Evolve team can also teach you preventative exercises so that you can avoid re-injury.
What physical therapy services does Evolve offer for athletes?
Prehabilitation: Prehabilitation, or prehab, is a great way to prevent injury during your athletic training. By incorporating the stretches and exercises that are included with prehab you can also begin to increase your athletic performance.
Manual Therapy: Manual therapy is a hands-on type of physical therapy that is used to reduce the pain and discomfort associated with your injuries. It can also help to improve your mobility in any of your affected areas.
Deep Tissue Massage: With a deep tissue massage we use pressure to treat the affected tissues to release any small knots that have formed, and to relieve stiff muscles.
Why should you see a sports physical therapist?
If you have a sports related injury it is important that you find a facility that is built to fulfill your needs. By seeing a certified sports physical therapist, and attending a facility that has a lot of experience treating sports injuries (like us at Evolve), you will be setting yourself up for a much faster recovery. While every injury brings its own set of unique challenges, our team is prepared to get you back into the best shape of your life.
At most physical therapy facilities that are able to treat athletic injuries, you will have access to the equipment and experienced specialists that you need to recover.
Click here to learn more about sports physical therapy services at Evolve.
The Most Common Sports Injuries
Pulled Muscles: A pulled muscle is probably the most common sporting injury. Whether you did not warm up properly, or maybe you have over exerted yourself at practice, these are not a fun injury to have.
Runner’s Knee: If you are a runner, athletic or recreational, you may have experienced runner’s knee. Manual therapy treatments can be beneficial to reducing this pain in and around your knees.
Shoulder Injuries: If you play a sport that actively uses your shoulder like baseball, volleyball, or tennis you may experience some type of shoulder injury. If you must have surgery, or your injury persists, then physical therapy is a great option to help promote healing.
Shin Splints: These frequently occur in athletes who spend a lot of time running. These pains occur near your shin bone and can be treated with stretching and icing.
Achilles Tendonitis: Another injury that is popular among sports that require frequent running, Achilles tendonitis can occur when your calf muscles have been overused. To prevent this condition from occurring, prehab exercises are a great place to start.
Click here for more information on sports physical therapy in Brooklyn
Work with Evolve for Leading Sports Physical Therapy Services
Do you need to learn injury prevention techniques, enhance your athletic performance, or help with healing a persistent injury? At Evolve, our team can find the solutions that you need to improve your athletic abilities and find healing for sports injuries. Give us a call today to schedule your first consultation free of charge. Call - 1-718-258-3300
About Evolve Physical Therapy in Brooklyn-
Brooklyn's Premier Physical Therapy Clinics-
There’s physical therapy, there’s training, and then there’s EVOLVE. We use the science of biomechanics merged with fitness to help our patients get better and stay better!
First we evaluate, then we heal, then we strengthen our clients so they can reach their goals, feel better, and live happier lives. We do so by utilizing a range of core techniques and specialized treatments to reduce pain, improve mobility, enhance physical strength and deal with the underlying issues, not just the pain itself.
Multiple Locations!
Squats for Oddballs
What is a Squat? For those that do not know, the squat is THE exercise that is never missed out in most workout regimens. It’s a very effective exercise as it recruits all the major muscle groups of your lower extremities, including your core.
What is a Squat?
For those that do not know, the squat is THE exercise that is never missed out in most workout regimens. It’s a very effective exercise as it recruits all the major muscle groups of your lower extremities, including your core. Squats aren’t only present in the gym or in a workout, it’s also incorporated in our daily lives! We squat when we get something from the floor, we squat when we pull weeds in the garden, we squat when we go to site down, etc. Read on to find out more on how to do squats properly, especially if you have a long femur or are a tall person. ;)
How to Do a Squat Correctly?
The squat is easy to do during a workout, but it's also easy to do it incorrectly, and even more so if you have a long femur or are a tall person. It’s extremely important that a person do a squat (or any exercise) in the correct form to prevent injuries like strains, sprains and pain. So how do we make sure we’re doing the right thing? Here are some tips!
Try to feel for a stance you are comfortable with. If you’re not sure where to start, you can stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
Angle your feet slightly outward, but you also point them straight forward if that feels more comfortable too.
Put a little tension on your abs, and then slowly bend at the knees, as if you’re sitting down on a low stool.
Look straight ahead, do not look up or down. You can hold your hands up in front of you so you can make sure you’re still upright. If your hands start pointing towards your feet or at the floor, then you might be flexing your trunk forward.
Sometimes, we still get it wrong.
Unfortunately, there will be times that we may assume the wrong form of a squat. It’s usually because of a number of things that can easily be addressed like, poor hip and ankle mobility and muscle imbalance. Luckily, these two reasons can be reversed. We can stretch our hips and ankles, and strengthen them a little bit more too so that we can achieve the proper form. Another reason a person can have the wrong form is having a long femur. The femur is a long bone where the muscles in your thigh is attached. Some people are born with long femurs, with a short torso, or short tibia (the bone on your lower leg). Since this is purely an anatomical reason, there really isn’t a corrective exercise for this in most instances.
What’s wrong with a long femur?
When your femur is relatively longer than the structures connected to it (the torso or the tibia), it’s harder to achieve a squat with good form. When a person with a long femur squats, they usually have an excessive forward lean. This increases their risk for a low back injury since the back is stretched too much and strains the muscle. The forward lean is necessary for their bodies since it keeps them in balance; it keeps their center of gravity close to their base of support. They also tend to move the knees too far forward (usually over the toes) also increasing risk for knee injuries. Long-femured persons will also have trouble doing a deep squat.
How to squat successfully if you have a long femur
Even though we can’t change the parts of our body, there are ways to successfully perform a squat without getting injured.
Widen your stance - Normally, putting your feet shoulder-width apart is enough, but if you have a long femur, it is best that you assume a wider stance instead.
Point your toes out - Some people like their feet parallel, or pointing it straight forward, but to achieve that low, deep squat, you have to externally rotate your hips and point your feet and toes outwards.
Raise your heels - a good squat needs good ankle mobility. You can stand with your heels on a slightly elevated surface (just about an inch) to be able to achieve a deep squat with good ankle mobility
It can be a little bit challenging when you first try out an exercise regimen, especially if you normally live a sedentary lifestyle. To minimize mistakes and lessen your risk of injuries, try to practice first in front of a mirror a few times during an exercise. It also helps to be conscious of yourself and how your body parts are positioned. Effective exercise also needs a little bit of concentration. If you’re having a hard time doing exercises on your own, a Physical Therapist is a highly qualified professional that can surely help you out.
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About Evolve Physical Therapy-
Brooklyn's Premier Physical Therapy Clinics-
There’s physical therapy, there’s training, and then there’s EVOLVE. We use the science of biomechanics merged with fitness to help our patients get better and stay better!
First we evaluate, then we heal, then we strengthen our clients so they can reach their goals, feel better, and live happier lives. We do so by utilizing a range of core techniques and specialized treatments to reduce pain, improve mobility, enhance physical strength and deal with the underlying issues, not just the pain itself.
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Bicep Tendinitis and Bicep Tendinosis
What is bicep tendinitis? Biceps tendon injury causing severe bicep pain is very common in sports that include shoulder rotation and elevation of the arm above the head, such as baseball, basketball, swimming, tennis, etc. It comes as a risk with every activity demanding repetitive overhead movements.
How to Heal Bicep Tendonitis
If you are an athlete or regularly play sports, you may be familiar with the frustration and pain associated with the “dreaded” bicep tendonitis injury. When you get this injury, I know you want to fix it as quickly as possible. Just hold your horses for a minute though, if you don’t give yourself the proper amount of time to heal, you will potentially cause severe complications in the future.This does not mean you will be permanently on the bench, it just means that you will need to plan for a period of recovery before your return to the field.
This guide will help with explaining what happens to your body when you get bicep tendonitis and how my team of highly trained, experienced physical therapists and certified fitness specialists will help you overcome it.
What is bicep tendonitis?
If you get bicep tendonitis, you will most certainly know about it. The pain is noticeable when you use your arm, and often gets worse as you continue to use it. The damage from this injury affects the long head of the biceps muscle. There are several ways the biceps tendon can be damaged; from within the shoulder joint (SLAP lesion), or it can be damaged in the region where it passes through the intertubercular sulcus on the front side of the humerus, or you can have a ruptured tendon of the long head.
A bicep tendon injury causing severe bicep pain is very common in people that play sports which include shoulder rotation and elevation of the arm above the head, such as; baseball, basketball, swimming, tennis, etc. If you are repeatedly swinging a bat or throwing a ball, you are more likely to experience problems in the bicep and shoulder areas. The technical explanation for what is happening to your arm is that you are experiencing a shallow humerus intertubercular sulcus, which causes the tendon to pop out or sublux. Tendon subluxations cause damage and inflammation of the tendon and its sheath, something which is called Tenosynovitis.
Unfortunately, things can get a bit worse and you could develop secondary bicep tendonitis as a result of shoulder impingement syndrome or shoulder instability. In these cases, there is increased contact between the tendon and bone structures in the shoulder joint.
I know that the explanation of what is happening to your bicep can sound extreme, but it is not, and you will be able to fix it. The rest of this guide will show you how to recognize what is happening and what my team at Evolve Physical Therapy in Brooklyn can do to get you back on track as quickly as possible!
How do I know if I have bicep tendonitis?
You may have bicep tendonitis if you spot some of the following symptoms:
pain on the front side of your shoulder
pain during physical activity involving the shoulder joint and lifting heavy objects
increased sensitivity and palpitations of the muscle
However, to be certain that you are suffering from bicep tendonitis, we will perform a few tests, including:
Speed's Test – the patient flexes his or her shoulder by lifting the arm to a horizontal position in front of his body. The physical therapist applies mild to moderate resistance on the distal region of the arm, while the patient tries to hold the arm horizontal. If there is bicipital tendinitis, pain will increase during these activities, while constantly keeping our eyes focused on the position of the tendon in the sulcus, and its eventual subluxation.
Flexion of the elbow joint – this is the main movement done by the bicep, and if a patient experiences pain while performing this movement pattern, with or without applied resistance, it is possible that there is tendonitis of the long head.
Besides a regular physical examination, other diagnostic tests are required in order for us to be absolutely sure that we are dealing with tendonitis of this particular muscle. These tests include an x-ray and ultrasound scan of the shoulder joint. If it becomes clear that you have bicep tendonitis, we will not hesitate to get you started on a rehab program right away.
So how are you going to fix my bicep tendonitis?
As a reminder, in order for you to recover quickly from this injury, you must commit to not carrying out your normal work or sport activities. We have to work on your bicep injury intensively and give it the required rest and recovery that it needs to heal. The more committed you are, the easier this will go, I can promise you that. I expect you to ask me, "Am I going to get better soon?" or, "How long is this supposed to take?" We totally understand your frustration to fix the problem as quickly as possible. My team and I at Evolve are here to help you get through your physical therapy treatment program as quickly and efficiently as possible.
So this is how it will go. In the first phase of treatment, we must ease the pain and reduce inflammation of the long head tendon. To reduce pain, in the acute phase you must halt all activities demanding certain effort, especially those involving repetitive elbow and shoulder movement. You may experience some pain relief by pressing something warm on the painful spot. Heat can help in the healing process, increasing blood flow and dispersing algogenic pain substances from the area, but it is crucial that we apply cold procedures first, and then after about 72 hours we can proceed with heat therapy. We will administer cryotherapy, meaning we use cold compress packages and ice cube massages to reduce the inflammatory process affecting the tendon and its sheath.
After cryotherapy, we move on to the fun part, a kinesiotherapy and rehab program consisting of carefully dosed, isometric muscle contractions, followed by isotonic exercises and stretches at the end of each treatment.
In phase two, besides regular bicep tendonitis rehab, we focus on correcting muscular imbalances. It is essential that we evaluate the current strength of all muscle groups surrounding the shoulder, so we can improve the strength and overall stability of this joint. The last thing you want is to have the bicep tendonitis come back and that is why we must take this step to ensure we correct any problems before they come about again.
If you are an athlete and are recovering so you can get back on the field as soon as possible, we will also conduct a movement pattern analysis that is sport-specific, meaning it will help you overcome any irregularities that are causing you trouble and preventing you from playing.
What are the main goals of the rehab program?
Overall, I can guarantee that your rehab program will:
Strengthen your bicep muscle
Strengthen the muscles surrounding and supporting the shoulder
Increase your forearm strength
Activate and strengthen your rotator cuff muscles, which are of utmost importance for the dynamic stability of the shoulder joint
Complete stretching exercises after your workout to remain flexible at all times
How soon can you sign me up?
Today! You know that you can’t delay this any longer. Your bicep tendonitis will not improve by itself and it needs specific help to get it back to full health. If you are an athlete being prevented from playing due to this condition, then you really should have come to see me yesterday.
Don’t worry, the main point is that you act now and act fast. Come down to Evolve Physical Therapy in Brooklyn and we will start working with you immediately.
Call to Schedule a Consultation- 1-718-258-3300
Brooklyn's Premier Holistic Physical Therapy Clinics-
There’s physical therapy, there’s training, and then there’s EVOLVE. We use the science of bio-mechanics merged with fitness to help our patients get better and stay better!
First we evaluate, then we heal, then we strengthen our clients so they can reach their goals, feel better, and live happier lives. We do so by utilizing a range of core techniques and specialized treatments to reduce pain, improve mobility, enhance physical strength and deal with the underlying issues, not just the pain itself.
Multiple Physical Therapy Clinics in Brooklyn!
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Running Therapy and Gait Retraining
Physical Therapy for Runners
At Evolve, we utilize running therapy and gait retraining to help you recover from injuries and to improve athletic performance. Our programs are geared towards helping you improve in the following areas: Standing, walking, and running.
Physical Therapy for Runners
At Evolve, we utilize running therapy and gait retraining to help you recover from injuries and to improve athletic performance. Our programs are geared towards helping you improve in the following areas: Standing, walking, and running.
Over the years running and gait technologies have greatly advanced. This allows for our skilled physical therapists to better target your injury, and help you during each step of your recovery process. Whether you’re an experienced athlete looking to improve your running form, or you have an injury, we’ve got you covered.
The Running & Gait Evaluation Process
The first part of running therapy and gait training is to have your physical therapist perform an initial evaluation. This allows them to create a customized physical therapy treatment plan to help you achieve all your goals. There are different evaluations used depending on if you are having physical therapy to treat an injury, or improve athletic performance and running form. Let’s take a look below.
The following may be included in your running and gait analysis physical therapy evaluation:
Running History Review: During your initial evaluation, your physical therapist may ask you questions about your running and athletic history. Including discussion about different training methods that you use and any previous injuries that you may have had.
Orthopedic Exam: This exam will focus on the movement of your muscles, joints, and tendons in relation to your running and gait.
Observational Analysis: You will run on a treadmill while being recorded so that your therapist can analyze what needs to improve in your running form. This allows us to pinpoint any areas that may need improvement.
What can be observed during gait analysis:
What part of your foot is hitting the ground first
Your turnover rate: How many times your feet hit the ground per minute
How your body flows during movement and if it is the same on each side
How hard does your foot strike the ground when you put it down
How your ankles, hips, and knees are angled as you move
And we will also look at how long each of your strides are
When might you need running therapy and gait retraining?
If you are a runner, you may have already suffered from one of the injuries below. By taking part in running and gait training you can heal, and learn how to reduce the occurrence of these injuries by learning more about proper running form and pain relieving exercises.
Common Running Injuries
Runners knee: While runners knee is a common occurrence for runners, it can affect others as well. It can be brought about by overuse, problems with your feet, unbalanced muscles, and even taking a direct hit to your knee.
Achilles Tendonitis: This injury is often caused by the overuse of your Achilles tendon. It can occur after intense runs, or as a result of sports.
Hamstring injuries: Some of the most seen hamstring injuries are pulls and muscle tears. It can vary in severity and is most common in athletes.
Plantar fasciitis: This is pain in the heel and can also vary in terms of severity.
Stress Fractures: Jumping and long distance running can eventually lead to stress fractures. These are a common sports related injury.
Are you a good candidate for running therapy and gait training?
If you have recently been in an accident that has affected your ability to walk, stand, or run, or you have a sports injury, running therapy techniques and gait training can be beneficial for you. At Evolve, our number one priority is patient care. Our team will work with you to get you back in tip top shape.
Find out more about Evolve’s Running and Gait Therapy Services!
Contact us today to learn more about our running and gait physical therapy treatment plans. Leave us your contact information and we'll make sure to get you scheduled for your first one-on-one visit with a physical therapist completely free.
Call- 1-718-258-3300
After Pregnancy Physical Therapy
Pain is not something you should tolerate, especially during and after pregnancy while stress is out of the question. My team here at Evolve physical therapy in Brooklyn can assure you that there is much that can be done to make your pregnancy as painless as possible.
Postpartum Physical Therapy Services
Exercising during and after pregnancy is exceptionally important, and every pregnant woman should invest her time doing so when under the supervision of her physical therapist and personal trainer. Movement is the very essence of health and is beneficial to everyone. Just as a professional athlete needs to stay on top of his game year-round, future moms have to take extra care of their health status in order to be able to endure one of the most demanding and beautiful periods of their life.
Running through the basics - what can I expect during pregnancy?
Carrying a baby causes loads of changes, and a lot occurs due to physiological hormonal fluctuations in your body. In the beginning, everything is gradual, then it speeds up dramatically. In the final trimester, you can tell every difference from week to week.
All of this means changes in all tissues, but most important for us as physical therapists, connective and muscle tissue becomes more soft and flexible, so it can adapt to extra weight and distension happening in your abdominal area. It all sounds quite normal, and it absolutely is. However, things involving pain in the back and joints tend to happen as well, and are often also categorized as "physiological" and transitory. Pain is not something you should tolerate, especially during and after pregnancy while stress is out of the question. My team here at Evolve physical therapy in Brooklyn can assure you that there is much that can be done to make your pregnancy as painless as possible.
Physiotherapy for Back Pain
The lower back and joint system are where the pain is most likely to occur while carrying a baby. This usually happens around the 5th month, followed by an increase in body weight. Some of the other contributing factors would be:
Sitting a lot, or sleeping in a non-physiological position
Laxity of ligaments in pregnancy
Increased pressure on lower extremity nerves caused by the enlargement of the uterus
Distension of the deep abdominal wall
Of course, not all of these problems happen to every single pregnant woman. But still, the main rule I always follow in this particular case is that exercise is our best friend in ensuring a more comfortable postpartum period. In that case, I suggest we get down to working out!
Relieving postpartum back pain is one of our main goals here at Evolve. You can expect one of our therapists to lead you through an individual postpartum workout plan consisting of carefully selected exercises to cover every critical region.
Strengthening your core is something your body will be most grateful for because weakness in the abdomen automatically means weakness of the spine stabilizing system. With nothing to hold your vertebrae, lower back pain is imminent. However, that is something we can and will change.
Our next stop will be mending the abdominal separation, also known as diastasis recti abdominis. During pregnancy as your abdomen distends, and connective tissue or linea alba that connects left and right side of the rectus abdominis muscle becomes stretched and become thinner. This allows the abdominal muscles to stretch as well and make room for the baby. Sometimes this separation in your abdomen spontaneously retreats after giving birth, but there are cases that demand physical therapy treatment. This is where we jump in, offering you the opportunity to try out our postpartum rehab program at Evolve!
Manual therapy as a Healing Approach
Manual therapy consists of applying specific techniques and skills such as joint manipulation and mobilization, as well as methods by which a physical therapist evaluates and treats soft tissues and bone structures. The primary goal of manual therapy is to reduce pain, increase mobility and eliminate inflammatory changes. This will, of course, result in better blood circulation in that region as well, ensuring much quicker convalescence in your postpartum period!
Manual therapy techniques can be used as a multi-modal approach, and we should always strive to combine them with other kinesitherapy and proprioceptive techniques. Many elements of this healing method require certain expertise, and that is why you should consider consulting one of our team members here at Evolve physical therapy.
How can strength training help me in the postpartum period?
Just when you think you're out of the woods you realize that there are loads of things waiting for you on the other side, and it's not going to be easy getting them back like they used to be. Like I said in the beginning, exercising at this point may feel over overwhelming after all you've been through, but it is your one-way ticket to feeling and looking healthy and functional once again. It will benefit you greatly, and help you to do the following:
Reestablish normal breathing patterns: In the postpartum period, paradoxical breathing can occur and gentle, steady breathing exercises and kinesitherapy is just what you need to get back on track.
Strengthen your deep pelvic floor: In order to prevent unpleasant incontinence episodes, muscles of the pelvic floor should always remain on top of their function and serve as a steady foundation for your urogenital tract and pelvic organs. To ensure all of this, we offer you to join us at Evolve and follow a workout plan devised by one of our team members that will help you in cases like this.
Improve stability of your lower back: We already talked about the importance of spine stability through pregnancy and it is equally important for it to stay stable and healthy after your postnatal rehabilitation. Again you can consult one of our therapists, and enroll in our postpartum rehab program that can be designed according to your needs!
Work with the Evolve Team for Physical Therapy After Pregnancy
There is absolutely no need for you to feel additionally exhausted and in pain because of a few bumps on the road. With the right amount of attention and work, everything can become the way it used to be. So come and join us so that we make sure you fully enjoy your newest phase of life. Oh and, congratulations!
Sports Physical Therapy- Common Sports Injuries
As an athlete, it is important that you can get back on the field as soon as possible after an injury. Here at Evolve, my team and I specialize in many sports physical therapy and rehabilitation services
Sports Physical Therapy and Sports Rehabilitation for Popular Sporting Injuries
As an athlete, it is important that you can get back on the field as soon as possible after an injury. Here at Evolve, my team and I specialize in many sports physical therapy and rehabilitation services. Below we’ve highlighted a few of the ways that we can assist you during your recovery.
Sports Physical Therapy Services
We offer a few different specialty services to help you recover from your sporting injuries. Below are a few examples:
Prehabilitation: I’ve seen the benefits of prehabilitation exercises for athletes. While it was previously primarily beneficial prior to having surgery, over the years it has developed into a popular functional fitness and injury prevention technique.
Manual Therapy: My team and I can use manual therapy as a hands-on method to target the weak muscles in and around your injury to reduce pain, and promote better mobility.
Deep Tissue Massage: As an athlete, you put a ton of stress on your body during training and games. My team and I can provide a deep tissue massage to reduce pain and promote healing.
Running & Gait Training: As an athlete, having proper form while running is extremely important. My team and I can help you to improve your function and enhance your performance.
Common Sports Injuries
If you are an athlete, or simply an avid sports player, chances are you may get injured. Here are a few of the most common sporting injuries that we see come through our doors here at Evolve.
Football Injuries and How to Treat Them
As a full contact sport, injuries are very common for football players. Whether you have over exerted yourself at practice or you take a hard tackle, a lot of these injuries requires physical therapy services. At Evolve, my team and I can help you develop a treatment plan to get you back into your best shape if you are suffering from any of the following injuries.
Knee Injuries: Knee injuries are very common in the football world. As a football player, having a knee injury can land you off the field for a long time. My team and I want to help you heal from your injuries faster. By utilizing our knee physical therapy services, we can help you with exercises that promote recovery, balance, and holistic healing.
Shoulder Injuries: Another popular injury among football players is shoulder injuries. These can include labrum and joint injuries. Our team can address any muscle tears and we can help you to restore shoulder function and mobility through our physical therapy services for shoulder injuries.
Overuse Injuries: Back pain is a frequent complaint from football players. If you are experiencing back pain this may be a sign of overuse from intense training. The kind of pain caused by overuse can be targeted by icing or with stretching and physical therapy exercises.
Basketball Injuries and Treatment Methods
While basketball isn’t a full contact sport, it is skill likely that at some point you may have an injury. The Evolve team and I can help you recover from the following injuries through our sports physical therapy services.
Ankle Injuries: Injured ankles are very popular among basketball players. It is essential to play this sport that you fully recover from any ankle injury. A few of the frequent ankle injuries that we see are dislocations, fractures, sprains, tendonitis, or post-surgical recovery. With years of experience in the field, my team and I can help you recover from ankle injuries by using specialized sports ankle physical therapy methods.
Knee Injuries: Some of the most common knee injuries that we’ve seen from basketball players are ACL tears and MCL tears, fractures, and tendonitis. In more severe cases your injury may require surgery before you can start physical therapy. Our goal is to help you through a customized exercise and physical therapy treatment plan specific to your injuries. We want to see you regain the strength and mobility that you may have lost due to your sports injury.
Shoulder Injuries: Rotator cuff tears are one of the most common shoulder injuries. As a frequently used part of the body for basketball and activities related to daily living, you will want to recover from this injury as soon as possible. Let us help you start to find healing today.
Hand & Wrist Injuries: Injuries of the hand and wrist are also common with basketball players. If you’ve injured your hand or wrist you will be out of luck with basketball until the injury heals. Don’t spend unnecessary time on the sidelines. While the duration of every treatment plan is different, both hand physical therapy and wrist physical therapy has been proven to increase recovery times.
Common Injuries and Their Treatment Plans for Baseball Players
Baseball is a sport that sees its fair share of injuries as well. If you are a professional player or are a frequent player in pickup games, you may find that the stress put on your body can eventually result in injury. Below are some of the most common baseball injuries that my team and I can help you with our specialized physical therapy for baseball players here at Evolve.
Rotator Cuff Injuries: The overall goal for physical therapy with a rotator cuff injury is to improve the function of each muscle that surrounds your shoulder. By building and strengthening these muscles you will find that you can increase mobility.
Tennis Elbow: Tennis elbow happens when the muscles around your elbow have been overused. It can cause pain and inflammation. By using sports physical therapy exercises you can start to reduce any pain and inflammation that has occurred.
ACL Injuries: If your ACL has been damaged due to an injury our team can help. A physical therapy treatment plan for a torn ACL may include, gait training, strengthening exercise, range of motion exercises, balance exercises and more.
Wrist & Hand Injuries: As a baseball player, full wrist and hand function is imperative. Here at Evolve, we can help you with strengthening and range of motion exercises to start helping you heal from wrist and hand injuries.
Treating Soccer Injuries with Physical Therapy
Soccer is another sport that includes likely chances of injury due to the speed and nature of the sport. If you have been injured during a game or have noticed pain after a grueling practice, we are here to help. Below are some examples of the frequently seen injuries of those who participate in this sport.
Ankle & Hamstring Strains: My team and I can help you with pain management for ankle and hamstring strains by teaching you exercises that can help you regain your normal range of motion. Our team can help you get back in the game faster and in your best shape yet.
Overuse Injuries: An overuse injury is also a common one for soccer players. By utilizing prehab exercises, you can help to prevent these kinds of injuries from occurring.
Soft Tissue Injuries: A soft tissue injury can occur when an excessive force is put on your soft tissues. To recover from a soft tissue injury, we can assist you with manual therapy, range of motion exercises, and more to help you fully recover and get back to the game you love.
Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation Services with Evolve
Do you have a sports injury that is keeping you from being able to return to the sport you love? Here at Evolve, my team and I want to see you make a full recovery. Reach out to us today to learn more about our physical therapy and rehabilitation services for sporting injuries. You can schedule your first consultation free of charge. We look forward to hearing from you!